16F88 internal oscillator problems

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Jimbob's Ma

New Member
I have the most recent version of CCS PCM, and am trying to use the PIC16F88's internal 8MHz oscillator. Whether i'm using the wrong #FUSE settings or the compiler is busted (very unlikely), my circuit does NOTHING, despite the fact that it compiles with no errors.

Could someone post a full program listing ( or a link to one ) for a simple program that does something - anything - using the 8MHz internal oscillator on the 16F88.

If you're going to post a reply, please try out the program on a 16F88 beforehand.

P.S. - I know a crystal oscillator is more accurate, etc, etc. so don't recommend i use one plz.

hi why don't u use an external oscillator capacity so u don't have to find that program there will be two or at least 3 new elements in your circuit
If u don't mind use that method(of course if you can not find the programme actually i used 4Mhz osc capacity with 16f877 and it waorked)
you can find 8Mhz external osc capacity
that is an alternate solution of course
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