I'm looking for a PIC (PIC18F series) that can handle 12-Bit ADC, but the Microchip website seems to be a bit contradictory??
For example, looking at PIC18F6628 product, it clearly shows that it can handle 12 channels of 12-Bit ADC, but then downloading the 39646c DataSheet, it only makes reference of 10-Bit ADC's.
Question: Which of the 18F series PIC's DOES have 12-Bit ADC's?
For example, looking at PIC18F6628 product, it clearly shows that it can handle 12 channels of 12-Bit ADC, but then downloading the 39646c DataSheet, it only makes reference of 10-Bit ADC's.
Question: Which of the 18F series PIC's DOES have 12-Bit ADC's?