This is a very generic enquiry, asked without having performed any research, in the hope of short-circuiting the required research.
If I buy a cheap µcpu -- raspberry pi pico, arduino something, ATmegaxxx -- what additional hardware/software will I need to program it?
Background: I'd heard of the RaspberryPI Nano and went looking. The board itself costs £3.60. but then I saw a "headered pico" for twice that. And then a "beginner's kit"for £40. And the options and variations go on and on.
So, what is the minimum hardware required to program a µCPU for a specific purpose -- PWM control of a brushed DC motor -- so that it can be built in to a device and then left alone?
If I buy a cheap µcpu -- raspberry pi pico, arduino something, ATmegaxxx -- what additional hardware/software will I need to program it?
Background: I'd heard of the RaspberryPI Nano and went looking. The board itself costs £3.60. but then I saw a "headered pico" for twice that. And then a "beginner's kit"for £40. And the options and variations go on and on.
So, what is the minimum hardware required to program a µCPU for a specific purpose -- PWM control of a brushed DC motor -- so that it can be built in to a device and then left alone?