
  1. C

    Main controller for 16 * 16 array of servos.

    Hello, For a digital art project I would like to control a 16*16 array of small servos with a raspberry pi. However I can't connect all 16 channel servo controllers directly to the pi, so my idea was to connect the pi to a main controller which controls the servo controllers, which finally...
  2. J

    opinions wanted please: how should I retrofit an analog synthesizer to be computer controlled.

    Hi! I would like some opinions please if you dont mind. I have one of those new, small analog synthesizers (Behringer Model D). It has a bunch of potentiometers, and switches, etc. to control the sound manually with hands/fingers. In my dream, I want to be able to control the sound...
  3. Signal Sensor Processing CPU

    I need help designing a circuit to control a servo motor, the model i have is an SG 90 (9g) It needs to be controlled by a sensor that receives and input from a moving object, (the object moves down), and the sensor reads the signal 1 -> 2 the servo moves up 120deg, (the object moves up) and...
  4. 6-DOF Robot arm with HDrive servo motors

    Hi :) I would like to present here my 6 DOF robot arm driven by servo drives out of my running Kickstarter: Let's start with the Robot Video: The robot is mainly made out of laser cut parts (steel and wood). The last axis two are made in a 3D-Printer (ABS). As gears I...
  5. F

    Servo Motor Help

    Hey Guys, im making my own tilt servo bracket similar to the one in the picture attached, as part of a school project for an adjustable wing for my whole miniature go kart, but it is due in a few days and i do not own a servo controller/tester or have the time to buy one in time. So im thinking...
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