
  1. M

    Wireless charging receiver that works through metal [Aluminum/Stainless Steel]

    Hi... I'm need to put a wireless charging receiver into a old device... the problem is that the device is made complete of metal, and as far as i know wireless charging doesn't work through metal. I don't have knowledge of wireless charging so if exist a typed of [Wireless charging board/Module]...
  2. A

    Uc3825a based smps trouble

    Hello I am trying to repair a smps power supply based on UC3825A Problem is the resistor R49 & R34 get burst as soon as i start the smps I am not able to find out the issue SYS_ECON is a 0-5v given from MCU desired by user to control 0-180v smps output
  3. A


    Hi, I am using voltage multiplier as the AC-DC converter for the Piezo. Also, I am using a Power Supply Module to boost voltage to 9V. Output of Voltage Multiplier is 10V Power Supply Module input Voltage : 3.5V-12V. Now when I input the Power supply with the voltage multiplier output, it...
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