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'Hello World' Code For dsPIC33FJ64MC802 2012-01-07

Here is a simple hello world code for a dsPIC33FJ64MC802. You'll have to modify the code a bit for the dsPIC33fj256; such as the config bits etc, but you can see how simple it is using the C30 compiler from MicroChip:

/* This is a "Hello world" example for the dsPIC33FJ64MC802. It will toggle all
*  IO pins on the chip at a rate which is visible from a LED connected to
*  one of the IO pins. It uses the internal RC oscillator so all that is 
*  needed is a 10K pullup resistor on MCLR (pin 1 on a 28 pin DIP chip) and
*  power connected to ALL Vdd, Vss, AVdd, and AVss pins. Connect a 10uF, low ESR,
*  capacitor between VddCore (pin 20 on a 28 pin DIP chip) and ground. Do NOT 
*  connect VddCore to 3.3V! Don't forget to put some 0.1uF bypass capacitors
*  across the power pins close to the PIC.

#include <p33FJ64MC802.h>

_FOSC(OSCIOFNC_ON & FCKSM_CSDCMD & POSCMD_NONE);	//Oscillator Configuration
_FOSCSEL(FNOSC_FRC);								//Oscillator Selection
_FWDT(FWDTEN_OFF);									//Turn off WatchDog Timer
_FGS(GCP_OFF);										//Turn off code protect
_FPOR( FPWRT_PWR1 );								//Turn off power up timer

int main(void)
	unsigned long x;

	ADPCFG = 0xffff;	//make ADC pins all digital
	TRISA = 0;			//Make all PORTs all outputs
	TRISB = 0;

		for( x=0; x<73800; x++){;} //Delay apx 200ms
		LATA = ~LATA;				//Toggle all bits on ALL ports
	return 0;
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