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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Who's gonna pay the bill for this one?

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Well-Known Member
I received a PM from a 0-post wonder... the PM was his first and only entry to this forum. Apparently he thinks I have nothing but time and energy on my hands to scan hundreds to thousands of pages and convert them to .doc or .pdf files then illegally post that copyrighted material on the net so lazy a$$es like him can pick and choose. Well "bond000" my answer to you is ffffffft ! :p

To Mr.Hitech.


i saw your post abt 1949 radio electronics hat. you stated that you have many of those magazines. So, could you please scan (or arrange some one to scan) them put them on the internet, where all the users can download them?please do it, before they get extinct.we beginners want to study them. i have seen some of the articles from the older elec. mag.they are awesome.or please put them ( pdf format ) as a torrent. please help.
I got this one from some character that wants a line following robot. Not as glamorous as your request though. I give that one-time poster 10 out of 10 for bravery. This idiot I'll give a 5 out of 10.

(I don’t even do robots. Wonder where this character got that idea from???)
I did notice more posts asking for help without any due diligence. Guess most students have about a month to finish projects eh?
We have Indians do our tech support for pennies on the dollar, they're just getting us back by having us do theirs for free.
There should a gallery thread where people post these PM's. I'm sure I have a few of them.
Last year I got one from a "student" offering to let me "view" her in her dorm, all for a modest fee.
Well, now my PM buddy "insists" that I put up the projects and articles on some type of file sharing site, claiming that he will see to it that they are removed after he accesses them. WTH?? What a hoot that cooter is! Computers and the Internet are dangerous things in the hands of some third-world individuals!
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I have reason to believe that for him to visit a library would involve a trek of many days on camelback or elephant, quite possibly requiring him to cross international borders.
microfilm? I forgot they still use that stuff =O I'll have to check out what my library has.
That's one of the reason many countries hate the US, and the rest of the world in general, because we squander our resources.

Then again look at Dubai =\ An entire country that's going to go bankrupt the first time mother nature hicups and sends a wave over 4 feet their way =O
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What? Camels and elephants? :D
No, I think he means we take our gas guzzling, feature rich cars for granted. They don't need to be parked in a pen and fed peanuts and hay.
They don't need to be parked in a pen and fed peanuts and hay.

No they need to be kept in a garage and fed gas, oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid, break fluid, oil filters and air filters. And unlike elephants they don't wash themselves, have automatic collision avoidance or contain system to produce more of them. The main benifits as i see it are higher top speed and a smoother ride. That, and while cars pollute the air, they dont crap all over the road. But I guess to some people thats just free fertilizer.
Isn't methane a green house gas? Plant eaters are incredible methane producers, probably put cars to shame.
I'd rather have a chemically operated vehicle parked in my garage than a smelly, pacing elephant that has smashed it's excrement onto the paved floor! Cars and garages are washed using a ¾" garden hose. Elephants and their flooring are washed using a 4" fire hose.
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ok, well thats all well and good if you live in a place with thousands and thousands of miles of paved road. But if you live in a place with vegitation and dirt everywhere right next to a river the elephant is a good choice.
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