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Trust in covid vaccine

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Presumably the anti-vaxxers aren't interested in stats, but just for reference:

Risk of blood clots from Astra Zenica 0.0004%
Risk of blood clots from birth control pill 0.05 - 0.12%
Risk of blood clots from smoking 0.18%
Risk of blood clots from Covid infection 16.5%
Presumably the anti-vaxxers aren't interested in stats, but just for reference:
Interesting, but do you have a source for this ?

I ask because there are a forum in my locale that have a covid thread for those rejecting the use of face mask and other measurements. Would be nice to throw out some facts.
Risk of blood clots from Astra Zenica 0.0004%
Risk of blood clots from birth control pill 0.05 - 0.12%
Risk of blood clots from smoking 0.18%
Risk of blood clots from Covid infection 16.5%
This is the problem these days. Statistics. Do you realty believe that 1 in 20 women on the birth control pill get blood clots? And 1 in 5 smokers do too? How is anyone expected to believe any of this nonsense.

Here in Australia, we were told that anyone over 55 should get the Astra Zenica shot as this age group were safe from blood clots. No, the statisticians had worked out that you're more likely to die of covid than blood clots in this age group - even though there is no covid in Australia!!!! More lies and statistics.

With zero deaths from Covid in Australia, it's not as clear what the correct approach is.

However, it's unlikely that Australians would be happy with continued quarantine restrictions from now until Covid is eliminated in the rest of the world. Also this sort of thing:-
will continue to be a worry if quarantine restrictions alone are relied upon.

Cost-benefit analysis is always important. I think that Covid vaccines will effectively be part of the cost of having international travel until it is eliminated.

The UK doesn't have rabies. We don't get vaccinated against it. However person-to-person infection from rabies doesn't happen, so rabies is highly unlikely to escape from a quarantine facility. Animals can enter with a vaccination certificate, but that is only issued after it has been proved that the animal has developed antibodies. Rabies vaccinations need three doses over 28 days.

The result of this is that the costs of rabies vaccine for everyone (three visits to the doctor + costs + boosters) is simply not worth the benefit (no vaccination or quarantine for livestock entering the UK). There would be the additional cost of never trusting an unknown animal, if there were no control on animal movements and rabies became endemic.

So all vaccines have costs (money + time + side effects) and benefits (better health + fewer other disease control costs). The exact balance depends on the situation. For Australians, the significant benefit at the moment is opening up travel. I can see that opinions would vary as to how much that benefit is worth.
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Here in Australia, we need the vaccine, we haven't had zero deaths from covid - about 900 but most in one state, Victoria (over 800). And once again Victoria has an outbreak - just unlucky I guess!!!!! I've had my first shot of the AZ vaccine and get my next shot next month. Life here has been pretty normal so the hesitancy to get vaccinated is kinda understandable. Personally, I've had one 3 day lockdown!!! So, no biggie. I think by the end of this year, normal travel will resume. And it's clearly needed, the travel industry is on it's knees.

Here in Australia, we need the vaccine, we haven't had zero deaths from covid - about 900 but most in one state, Victoria (over 800). And once again Victoria has an outbreak - just unlucky I guess!!!!! I've had my first shot of the AZ vaccine and get my next shot next month. Life here has been pretty normal so the hesitancy to get vaccinated is kinda understandable. Personally, I've had one 3 day lockdown!!! So, no biggie. I think by the end of this year, normal travel will resume. And it's clearly needed, the travel industry is on it's knees.

How is that possible? I dont trust it. It looks soo good. Just compare CZ with Australia.
How is that possible? I dont trust it. It looks soo good. Just compare CZ with Australia.

It's an island - they closed the border - and REALLY closed it. New Zealand did the same. No one in, no one out

The UK were pathetic, we should have closed the borders as well - and we wouldn't have had anywhere near the deaths we have had. Even this 'new' Indian variety was allowed free entry for 3 or 4 weeks before minimum restrictions were placed on it.
Yup, totally wrong. I just saw 0.05 and figured 1 in 20. Missed the percentage sign completely.

It's an island - they closed the border - and REALLY closed it. New Zealand did the same. No one in, no one out

The UK were pathetic, we should have closed the borders as well - and we wouldn't have had anywhere near the deaths we have had. Even this 'new' Indian variety was allowed free entry for 3 or 4 weeks before minimum restrictions were placed on it.
So i am not allowed to go in australia?
Yep, not even if there was Covid. :)
What were people reaction when goverment closed borders? Most people i know will probably attack goverment for that. Because people carre only for self interest... They want to travel. I think traveling and relaxing is scam. Waste of time. Covid came in bad time. We have elections in few months. Leader party dropped they position by 10%. But actually all opposite parties make one big group to defeat it. I dont like it honestly.
They want to travel. I think traveling and relaxing is scam. Waste of time.

That's why Australia has zero deaths, the USA has almost 600,000 and the UK has almost 130,000.

According to news reports a few months ago an outbreak in Melbourne was contained by surrounding the city with a ring of armed Police and Army, with no one in, and no one out.
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