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Thread derailing

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This is just a suggestion based on what I saw occurring in this thread.

I can't count the number of thread-jackings and topic derailments that could be eliminated if a thread would automatically lock itself if the original poster hasn't made a reply in say the last 10-15 posts. The thread would automatically unlock after the original poster made a new post or if say 1 week had passed (to allow people to add things after the fact)

It would prevent a considerable number of unjustifiably lengthy threads with no content. Anyone serious about whatever off topic conversation that was occuring would easily be able to start a new thread to continue it in a proper way and the flagging of the auto-lock would allow a moderator to inspect threads that had out of turn. I see this constantly on this (and other) forums where two or three individual users get into dogmatic arguments about a point of contention the original poster hasn't mentioned, must as the post I linked above.

Right about 10 posts after the last time the original poster commented on a thread is almost always the point at which things have gone awry.

This would put the user that started a thread in a much better position to be the one to judge the content of the thread and it would drastically reduce senseless banter almost overnight. The threads that have dozens of pages of useless arguments (outside of the original poster contributing) would disappear almost instantly.

I can't see any downsides. Outside of detailed back and forth between the original poster and the users at large all of the useful threads on this forum are all quiet short in length! Anything extending past a few pages is almost universally trash or completely off topic at that point.
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I don't know if that is the most egregious example of what you are defining, but I have often wondered the same thing.

Some threads just acquire a life of their own. I would support some limit that would require the OP to show some evidence of still being alive.

No definitely not the worst jpanhalt, the idea just came to me with the last post I will make in that thread (I'll take any other to private message)
That thread however would have been cut off at an appropriate time.

Basically what I think would be good is that from the point of the original posters last post that EVERY post made between that and their next post should occur within a single page of posts, the exact number would have to be tweaked, but I'd think 10 posts is more than generous, maybe as low as 7 before auto-lock, and an auto-unlock after 2-3 days, or the original posters reply. That will give the hotheads time to cool off and refocus their thoughts.

The bulk majority of the posts in these types of threads occur in very rapid succession, often with 3 people involved in contra-topic webs where each of the three people is having a different arguement with each of the other two, and they cascade out of the possibility of sanely being read after a single page's worth of posts, generally speaking with random interjections by other parties which although pertinent do nothing but inflame the triangle.

Believe me I've seen enough of these threads in my time online, been a major player in a few of them as well and I think it's less an issue of individual culpability but of the lack of some way to more properly structure the threads here without excessive moderator time required to do it.
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Questions and answers? No conversation then?

Tell me about censorship!

That, scead, does not look like moderation.

What if a thread is considered more a conversation (my view mostly) and not a strict service of posters begging for answers to their questions?

In any group of people that met for any reason, the first topic usually drifts and most probably will end somewhere else.

No surprise that OPs, in 99% of the times do shy away of the subsequent discussions; wrong or right, the level is beyond them. But the OP to judge, oh no!

To be honest, I find myself lacking the knowledge that would qualify myself to take part in those long winded discussions/arguments.

I just stop reading them and move on. Life is too short.

One thing is true: in so many years now, I spent a LOT of time in reading only ONE whole LONG thread (Microchip forum) that was worth the effort. Very few justify such a thing; I agree with you.
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No one is preventing people from talking, just from conversation that are out of place from occurring in a specific thread that someone started.
No censorship is occuring because you are within your full rights to simply START YOUR OWN THREAD

The posts in a thread should be related to the original posters question, if they are not then it should be taken somewhere else, it's that simple. There is an off topic forum here, but that doesn't mean that anything should go in that forum it should still be related to the topic the original poster posted on, otherwise there is no way to properly reference a threads contents based on it's topic, it makes searching a mess and logically addressing useful information impossible.

Some of the more informative posts I have seen here are buried deep in threads that have nothing to do with the useful information.

It's simple, it would be unabtrusive, and the only people that would complain are the one's that offend the most, I personally being someone that has taken part actively in threads like this would welcome it, even if the auto-unload was only 1 day it would give me time to filter my thoughts before posting.

The worst threads here (and in any online forum) are all machine gun threads where posts are occuring multiple times per day. (This will become one of them perhaps but seeing as I'm the OP if this were implemented this thread would simply natural deflate)
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It would be worth investigating any thread on this forum that extended past approximately 3 pages of posts for how the 'rules' would effect that particular thread and then it could be judged what the proper setting should be.
There are medications that make concerns such as this... well, um. Less concerning. :eek:

(Depending on perspective this is either very off topic or highly on topic. ):p
There are medications that make concerns such as this... well, um. Less concerning. :eek:

(Depending on perspective this is either very off topic or highly on topic. ):p


It was all relevant in that thread, people considered and debated other aspects about the topic at hand - it is not like someone started taking about haemorrhoid creams half way through the discussion. Seems odd the discussion got so "heated" though.
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I'm from Oregon, "heat" is good and adds flavor. They have debate in school for a reason (maybe they still do, it's been a while), sometimes on subjects where there is no right answer. As long a people are polite and segues are short let it play out. I think the thread was good and was locked at a point before it was derailed.
It was all relevant in that thread, people considered and debated other aspects about the topic at hand - it is not like someone started taking about haemorrhoid creams half way through the discussion. Seems odd the discussion got so "heated" though.
My exact thoughts.
What about (for example) the stickies in the microcontroller section?

Just because the OP hasn't posted for a long time means no more information can ever be added to that thread.

To the contrary of your position Scead, I think it would start of a whole bunch of superfluous threads which could have been avoided by asking a simple question in the original thread.
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