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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Pic debounce routine

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This is the code.
For the main loop:
	movf	temper,W		; Put temperature in W
	call	bin2bcd			; Decode Temperature to bcd
	movf	units,W			; copy units to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		LED_CMN			; Leds off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	units,W			; copy units to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP1			; display 1 on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	movf	tens,W			; copy tens to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		DISP1			; display 1 off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	tens,W			; copy tens to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP2			; display 2 on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	movf	hundreds,W		; copy hundeds to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		DISP2			; display 2 off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	hundreds,W		; copy hundeds to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP3			; display 3 on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	bsf		DISP3			; display 3 off

	; Leds code:
	bsf		LEDS_ON			; Flag leds on
	bcf		LED_CMN			; Leds on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms

	goto	main_loop		; Back to main loop

for the housekeeping:

    ; Leds:
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ; blink   onoff     up     down   light    toast   time    temp

    btfss	leds_s,7	; Is led blink enabled?
    goto	contled		; not enabled    ; No, get out!

    btfsc	leds_s,6	; Is led on/off on?
    goto	$+3
    bcf		LED_ONOFF	; No - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN
    goto	$+2
    bsf		LED_ONOFF	; Yes - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN

    decfsz	Led_blink,F	; Blink control = 0?
    goto	contled		; No
    movlw	D'255'		; Value to preload to
    movwf	Led_blink	; Led blink time control
    btfsc	leds_s,6	; Is led on/off on?
    goto	setledoff
    bsf		leds_s,6	; Led on/off in on
    goto	contled
    bcf		leds_s,6	; Led on/off in off

    btfss	LEDS_ON
    goto	endleds
    btfsc	leds_s,5	; Is led up on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_UP		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_UP		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,4	; Is led down on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_DWN		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_DWN		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,3	; Is led light on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_LIGHT	; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_LIGHT	; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,2	; Is led toast on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_TOASTER	; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_TOASTER	; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,1	; Is led time on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_timer	; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_timer	; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,0	; Is led temp on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf		LED_TEMP	; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_TEMP	; YES
    bcf		LEDS_ON

    ; Test_Keys (k_pressed):
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ;   X      up     timer   onoff    light   toast   temp    down

    bsf		STATUS,RP0	; Bank 1
	;bcf    STATUS,RP1	;  "   "
    bcf		OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag

    movlw	B'00111100'	;
    movwf	TRISA		; Make RA2, RA4, RA3 and RA5 inputs (RA3 is a sensor)
    movlw	B'11110000'	;
    movwf	TRISB		; Make RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 inputs
    movlw	B'00110100'	;
    movwf	WPUA		; Enable RA2, RA4 and RA5 pull-up internal resistors

    bcf		STATUS,RP0	; Bank 2
	bsf		STATUS,RP1	;  "   "
    movlw	B'11110000'
    movwf	WPUB		; Enable RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 pull-up internal resistors
    bsf		STATUS,RP0	; Back to Bank 1
	bcf		STATUS,RP1	;  "   "
	bsf		OPTION_REG,7	; Set RABPU flag
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; Bank 0

    btfss	KEY_UP			; KEY_UP pressed?
    incf	temper,F		; Yes

    btfsc	KEY_UP			; Key Up pressed?
    goto	$+3				; No
    bsf		k_pressed,6		; Yes, set flag
    goto	$+2				; Exit
    bcf		k_pressed,6		; No, reset flag
    btfsc	KEY_timer		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,5		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,5		;
    btfsc	KEY_ONOFF		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,4		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,4		;
    btfsc	KEY_LIGHT		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,3		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,3		;
    btfsc	KEY_TOASTER		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,2		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,2		;
    btfsc	KEY_TEMP		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,1		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,1		;
    btfsc	KEY_DWN			;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,0		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,0		;

    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; Bank 1
    bcf		WPUA,7
    bcf		WPUB,7
    bcf		OPTION_REG,7	; Set RABPU flag
    movlw	B'00001000'		;
    movwf	TRISA			;
    movlw	B'00000000'		;
    movwf	TRISB			;
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; Bank 0

    retlw    00

Now, with the correct paging for the WPUB register, the value in display continues to update while the key up is pressed, without problems.
The flashing rate is increased (almost twice a seond, because there were the timming inside the beep routine which is gone) and we are at the limit for the counter in Led_blink file.
Another thing: while the key is pressed and the display is being updated, the leds which were suposed to be off , blinks.
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1. Add a small "do-nothing" delay in housekeeping to get the blink correct and when you add more instructions to H_Keeping, you can reduce this delay.

2. Another thing: while the key is pressed and the display is being updated, the leds which were suposed to be off , blinks.
Which key? what update?

3. bcf LEDS_ON ; you have to comment on each instruction because I have absolutely no idea what is happening because most of this is negative logic. And when you come back to it later, YOU won't know what is happening either.

4. To get into bank 2 you have to set RP1 NOT RP0

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1. Add a small "do-nothing" delay in housekeeping to get the blink correct and when you add more instructions to H_Keeping, you can reduce this delay.

2. Another thing: while the key is pressed and the display is being updated, the leds which were suposed to be off , blinks.
Which key? what update?

3. bcf LEDS_ON ; you have to comment on each instruction because I have absolutely no idea what is happening because most of this is negative logic. And when you come back to it later, YOU won't know what is happening either.

I will do the nop timing.

To test the keys, I test the key_up and, if pressed, I just increment the temper file (temperature) which is updated in display during the first to third parts of SCAN.

    btfss	KEY_UP			; KEY_UP pressed?
    incf	temper,F		; Yes

Ok, I will comment more.
4. To get into bank 2 you have to set RP1 NOT RP0

Ok, but isn't:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1 3
So, as I am in bank 1, if I just sets RP1, I will be in bank 3, not bank 2.

I just added another file (aux_file) and this code to the house keeping, so, now, the display bright is ok.
    decfsz	aux_file,F
    goto    $-1
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Just to help, one of the leds is on, when it should be off and 2 leds (in reality all, because the others are on and you can't see), are blinking when the key up is pressed and the display is being updated.
I have put one movie in youtube, to see what is going on.
The lower right led should be off;
The leds should not be blinking while the display is updated.
You can see a small movie (6 seconds) at:
YouTube - MVI_0893.avi
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1. To get in to bank 2 you have to finish with bank 1 and get back into bank then bsf RP1 your instructions were correct but your comments were wrong and that's what messed me up. GET YOUR COMMENTS CORRECT.
2. Load aux_file with a value so you can reduce it later.
I don't know what LEDs should be on and what should be off, so the video is not use to me.

Just explain clearly what is happening. It looks the display should be incremented more slowly.
The leds wich should be off are the 2 in the bottom (light and toaster) and the left one (timeset).
This can be seen in the start of the code:
	movlw	B'11110001'		; Leds initial state (led onoff blinking, up, down and temperature on)
	movwf	leds_s			; Set leds state
The display should be incremented more slowly, yes, but we need to work the debounce / autoincrement code, as you said before.
I need to see the full code as you have used negative logic

The guy who projected the circuit used negative logic - I would never done that.
The code is:
;* DESCRIPTION: System definitions.

	ERRORLEVEL -302 ;remove message about using proper bank

	LIST  P=16F677

;* DESCRIPTION: Program variables and constant definitions.

temper		equ 0x20						; Store temperature
units		equ 0x24						; units
tens		equ	0x25						; tens
hundreds	equ 0x26						; hundreds
aux			equ	0x27						; GENERAL aux. REGISTER
tempo0		equ	0x28
tempo1		equ	0x29
flags		equ	0x2B						; General use flags
timer		equ	0x2D						; Timer register
buz_file	equ 0x2E						; Buzzer file
buz_length	equ 0x2F						; Buzzer length
leds_s		equ	0x30						; Leds state
k_pressed	equ	0x31						; Keys pressed state
Key_deb		equ	0x32						; Keys debounce flag
Key_off		equ	0x33						; Key off flag
Led_blink	equ	0x34						; Led blink time - for debounce
aux_file	equ	0x35						; timing auxiliar file

sw_flag		equ	0x35						; For keys routines
fastcount	equ	0x36						; For keys routines

#define		LEDS_ON				flags,0		; Flag to see if the leds should be on

; Leds
#define		LED_CMN				PORTC,2		; Leds Anodes

#define		LED_UP				PORTA,4		; Led UP
#define		LED_timer			PORTB,6		; Led timer
#define		LED_TEMP			PORTB,5		; Led TEMP
#define		LED_DWN				PORTA,2		; Led DWN
#define		LED_LIGHT			PORTB,4		; Led LIGHT
#define		LED_ONOFF			PORTC,6		; Led ONOFF

; Displays
#define		DISP1				PORTC,3		; Anode display DIS0
#define		DISP2				PORTC,4		; Anode display DIS1
#define		DISP3				PORTC,5		; Anode display DIS2

; Keys
#define		KEY_UP				PORTB,7		; KEY_UP
#define		KEY_timer			PORTB,6		; KEY_timer
#define		KEY_TEMP			PORTA,4		; KEY_TEMP
#define		KEY_DWN				PORTA,2		; KEY_DWN

; Buzzer
#define		buz					PORTC,0		; Buzzer

;* DESCRIPTION: Start of program.
	ORG		0x0000
	goto	start

;* DESCRIPTION: Decodes value in W register to display segments for PORTA.
;* return:      result in W

	addwf   PCL,F		; compute the jump value
						;	|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| -	Bits PORTA
						;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-|
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -	0
	retlw	B'00010100'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|X|-|-| -	1
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -	2
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -	3
	retlw	B'00010100'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|X|-|-| -	4
	retlw	B'00110000'	;	|-|-|X|X|-|A|-|-| -	5
	retlw	B'00100000'	;	|-|-|X|E|-|A|-|-| -	6
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -	7
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -	8
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -	9

;* DESCRIPTION: Decodes value in W register to display segments, for PORTB.
;* return:      result in W

	addwf   PCL,F		; compute the jump value
						;	|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| -	Bits PORTB
						;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|C|F|D|X|-|-|-|-| -	0
	retlw	B'01110000'	;	|C|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| -	1
	retlw	B'11000000'	;	|X|X|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	2
	retlw	B'01000000'	;	|C|X|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	3
	retlw	B'00100000'	;	|C|F|X|G|-|-|-|-| -	4
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	5
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	6
	retlw	B'01110000'	;	|C|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| -	7
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	8
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	9

;* DESCRIPTION: House keeping and delay routine.
	movlw	D'255'			; Load W with 255 (0xFF)
	movwf	aux_file		; Load aux_file counter with 255
    decfsz	aux_file,F		; Decrement it untill it reaches 0
    goto    $-1				; Keep doing till aux_file is 0

    ; Leds:
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ; blink   onoff     up     down   light    toast   time    temp

    btfss	leds_s,7		; Is led blink enabled?
    goto	contled			; not enabled    ; No, get out!
    btfsc	leds_s,6		; Is led on/off on?
    goto	$+3
    bcf		LED_ONOFF		; No - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN
    goto	$+2
    bsf		LED_ONOFF		; Yes - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN

    decfsz	Led_blink,F		; Blink control = 0?
    goto	contled			; No
    movlw	D'255'			; Value to preload to
    movwf	Led_blink		; Led blink time control
    btfsc	leds_s,6		; Is led on/off on?
    goto	setledoff		; Yes, turn it off.
    bsf		leds_s,6		; No, turn it on
    goto	contled			; Continue
    bcf		leds_s,6		; Led on/off in off
    btfss	LEDS_ON			; Are leds enabled? Without this, there were weird display's segments behaviour.
    goto	endleds			; No, get out
    btfsc	leds_s,5		; Is led up on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_UP			; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_UP			; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,4		; Is led down on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_DWN			; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_DWN			; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,3		; Is led light on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_LIGHT		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_LIGHT		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,2		; Is led toast on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_TOASTER		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_TOASTER		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,1		; Is led time on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_timer		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_timer		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,0		; Is led temp on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf		LED_TEMP		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_TEMP		; YES
    bcf		LEDS_ON			; Here, I turn on the leds anode (transistor Q6)

    ; Test_Keys (k_pressed):
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ;   X      up     timer   onoff    light   toast   temp    down

    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 goto Bank 1
    bcf		OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag

    movlw	B'00111100'		; 0 = output - 1 = input
    movwf	TRISA			; Make RA2, RA4, RA3 and RA5 inputs (RA3 is a sensor)
    movlw	B'11110000'		; 0 = output - 1 = input
    movwf	TRISB			; Make RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 inputs
    movlw	B'00110100'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUA			; Enable RA2, RA4 and RA5 pull-up internal resistors
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Bank 2
	bsf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 1 -> "   "
    movlw	B'11110000'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUB			; Enable RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 pull-up internal resistors
    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 -> Back to Bank 1
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> "   "
	bsf		OPTION_REG,7	; Set RABPU flag
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Back to Bank 0 (RP1 already = 0)

    btfss	KEY_UP			; KEY_UP pressed?
    incf	temper,F		; Yes

    btfsc	KEY_UP			; Key Up pressed?
    goto	$+3				; No
    bsf		k_pressed,6		; Yes, set flag
    goto	$+2				; Exit
    bcf		k_pressed,6		; No, reset flag
    btfsc	KEY_timer		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,5		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,5		;
    btfsc	KEY_ONOFF		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,4		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,4		;
    btfsc	KEY_LIGHT		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,3		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,3		;
    btfsc	KEY_TOASTER		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,2		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,2		;
    btfsc	KEY_TEMP		;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,1		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,1		;
    btfsc	KEY_DWN			;
    goto	$+3				;
    bsf		k_pressed,0		;
    goto	$+2				;
    bcf		k_pressed,0		;
    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 -> Goto Bank 1 (RP1 already = 0)
    bcf		WPUA,7
    bcf		WPUB,7
    bcf		OPTION_REG,7	; Set RABPU flag
    movlw	B'00001000'		;
    movwf	TRISA			; Make A0,A1,A2,A4,A5,A6 and A7 outputs.
    movlw	B'00000000'		;
    movwf	TRISB			; Make all PORTB output.
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Back to Bank 0 (RP1 already = 0)

    retlw    00

;* DESCRIPTION: binary_to_bcd - 8-bits
;* INPUT:		temper   - 8-bit binary number
;* return:      hundreds - the hundreds digit of the BCD conversion
;*				tens     - the tens digits of the BCD conversion
;*				units    - the ones digits of the BCD conversion

	movwf	aux				; save the value to convert in aux
	clrf	units			;
	clrf	tens			;
	clrf	hundreds		; RESET variables
	movf	aux,F			;
	btfsc	STATUS,Z		; Is the value to convert = 0?
	return					; Yes - Return
							; No
	incf	units,F			; Increment unit
	movf	units,W			;
	xorlw	0X0A			;
	btfss	STATUS,Z		; unit = 10d ?
	goto	$+3				; No
							; yes
	clrf	units			; Reset unit
	incf	tens,F			; Increment tens
	movf	tens,W			;
	xorlw	0X0A			;
	btfss	STATUS,Z		; Tens = 10d ?
	goto	$+3				; No
							; Yes
	clrf	tens			; Reset tens
	incf	hundreds,F		; Increment hundreds
	decfsz	aux,F			; End of convertion ?
	goto	$-.14			; No - go back to continue the convertion
	return					; Yes

;* DESCRIPTION: Program Initialization

	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0
	bsf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 1 -> Bank 2
	clrf	ANSEL			; digital I/O
	clrf	ANSELH			;	"	"	"
	movlw	B'00000000'		; To disable comparators
	movwf	CM1CON0			; disable comparator
	movlw	B'00000000'		; Not necessary?
	movwf	CM2CON0			; disable 2nd comparator
	movlw	B'00000000'		; Not necessary?
	movwf	CM2CON1			; disable 3rd comparator
	bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> Bank 1
	movlw	B'00001000'		; RA0,RA1,RA2,RA4,RA5,RA6 and RA7 output - RA3 input
	movwf	TRISA			; Set it
	movlw	B'00000000'		; All PORTB output
	movwf	TRISB			; Set it
	movlw	B'10000010'		; RC0,RC2,RC3,RC4,RC5,RC6 output - RC1 and RC7 inputs
	movwf	TRISC			; Set it
	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> Bank 0
	bcf		SSPCON,SSPEN	; Disable Synchronous Serial Port

	; Turn off all displays and leds
	bsf		LED_CMN			; Leds off
	bsf		DISP1			; Display1 off
	bsf		DISP2			; Display2 off
	bsf		DISP3			; Display3 off
	movlw	D'180'			; Init temperature with 180 degrees Celsius
	movwf	temper			; Put it in temper file
	movlw	D'40'			; Start timer with 40 minutes
	movwf	timer			; Put it in timer file
	clrf	units			; Clear dislay's files
	clrf	tens			;
	clrf	hundreds		;
	movlw	D'255'
	movwf	buz_length		; Buzzer initial duration
	movlw	B'11110001'		; Leds initial state (led onoff blinking, up, down and temperature on)
	movwf	leds_s			; Set leds state
	clrf	k_pressed		; Zero keys pressed state
	clrf	Key_deb			; Zero Keys debounce flag
	clrf	Key_off			; Zero Key off flag
	movlw	D'255'			; Value to preload to
	movwf	Led_blink		; Led blink time control

;* DESCRIPTION: Main Program

	movf	temper,W		; Put temperature in W
	call	bin2bcd			; Decode Temperature to bcd
	movf	units,W			; copy units to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		LED_CMN			; Leds off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	units,W			; copy units to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP1			; display 1 on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	movf	tens,W			; copy tens to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		DISP1			; display 1 off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	tens,W			; copy tens to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP2			; display 2 on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	movf	hundreds,W		; copy hundeds to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		DISP2			; display 2 off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	hundreds,W		; copy hundeds to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP3			; display 3 on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	bsf		DISP3			; display 3 off

	; Leds code:
	bsf		LEDS_ON			; Flag leds on
	bcf		LED_CMN			; Leds on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms

	goto	main_loop		; Back to main loop

I have changed some of the names, re-arranged all the sub-routines and deleted some of the unnecessary code.

Fix up the names and see my comments

Let me know what happens

;* System definitions.

    ERRORLEVEL -302 ;remove message about using proper bank

    LIST  P=16F677
    INCLUDE <P16F677.INC>

;* Program variables and constant definitions.

temper        equ 0x20                        ; Store temperature
units        equ 0x24                        ; units
tens        equ    0x25                        ; tens
hundreds    equ 0x26                        ; hundreds
aux            equ    0x27                        ; GENERAL aux. REGISTER
tempo0        equ    0x28
tempo1        equ    0x29
flags        equ    0x2B                        ; General use flags
timer        equ    0x2D                        ; Timer register
buz_file    equ 0x2E                        ; Buzzer file
buz_length    equ 0x2F                        ; Buzzer length
leds_s        equ    0x30                        ; Leds state
k_pressed    equ    0x31                        ; Keys pressed state
Key_deb        equ    0x32                        ; Keys debounce flag
Key_off        equ    0x33                        ; Key off flag
Led_blink    equ    0x34                        ; Led blink time - for debounce
aux_file    equ    0x35                        ; extra delay in H-Keeping

sw_flag        equ    0x35                        ; For keys 
fastcount    equ    0x36                        ; For keys 

#define        LEDS_ON                flags,0        ; Flag to see if the leds should be on

; Leds
#define        LED_CMN                PORTC,2        ; Leds Anodes

#define        LED_ON                PORTA,4        ; Led on
#define        LED_timer            PORTB,6        ; Led timer
#define        LED_TEMP            PORTB,5        ; Led TEMP
#define        LED_OFF                PORTA,2        ; Led off
#define        LED_LIGHT            PORTB,4        ; Led LIGHT
#define        LED_TOASTER            PORTA,5        ; Led TOASTER
#define        LED_ONOFF            PORTC,6        ; Led ONOFF
#define        TRIS_LED_ONOFF        TRISC,6        ; Led ONOFF TRIS

; Displays
#define        DISP1                PORTC,3        ; Anode display DIS0
#define        DISP2                PORTC,4        ; Anode display DIS1
#define        DISP3                PORTC,5        ; Anode display DIS2

; Keys
#define        KEY_OFF                PORTB,7        ; KEY_UP
#define        KEY_timer            PORTB,6        ; KEY_timer
#define        KEY_ONOFF            PORTB,5        ; KEY_ONOFF
#define        KEY_LIGHT            PORTB,4        ; KEY_LIGHT
#define        KEY_TOASTER            PORTA,5        ; KEY_TOASTER
#define        KEY_TEMP            PORTA,4        ; KEY_TEMP
#define        KEY_ON                PORTA,2        ; KEY_DWN

; Piezo
#define        piezo                    PORTC,0        ; piezo

;* Start of program.
    ORG        0x0000
    goto    start

;* Decode value in W register to display segments for PORTA.
;* return with  result in W

    addwf   PCL,F        ; compute the jump value
                        ;    |7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| -    Bits PORTA
                        ;    |-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-|
    retlw    B'00000000'    ;    |-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -    0
    retlw    B'00010100'    ;    |-|-|B|X|-|X|-|-| -    1
    retlw    B'00000000'    ;    |-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -    2
    retlw    B'00010000'    ;    |-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -    3
    retlw    B'00010100'    ;    |-|-|B|X|-|X|-|-| -    4
    retlw    B'00110000'    ;    |-|-|X|X|-|A|-|-| -    5
    retlw    B'00100000'    ;    |-|-|X|E|-|A|-|-| -    6
    retlw    B'00010000'    ;    |-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -    7
    retlw    B'00000000'    ;    |-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -    8
    retlw    B'00010000'    ;    |-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -    9

;* DESCRIPTION: Decodes value in W register to display segments, for PORTB.
;* return:      result in W

    addwf   PCL,F        ; compute the jump value
                        ;    |7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| -    Bits PORTB
                        ;    |C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -
    retlw    B'00010000'    ;    |C|F|D|X|-|-|-|-| -    0
    retlw    B'01110000'    ;    |C|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| -    1
    retlw    B'11000000'    ;    |X|X|D|G|-|-|-|-| -    2
    retlw    B'01000000'    ;    |C|X|D|G|-|-|-|-| -    3
    retlw    B'00100000'    ;    |C|F|X|G|-|-|-|-| -    4
    retlw    B'00000000'    ;    |C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -    5
    retlw    B'00000000'    ;    |C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -    6
    retlw    B'01110000'    ;    |C|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| -    7
    retlw    B'00000000'    ;    |C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -    8
    retlw    B'00000000'    ;    |C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -    9

;* Program Initialization

    bcf        STATUS,RP0        ; RP0 = 0
    bsf        STATUS,RP1        ; RP1 = 1 -> Bank 2
    clrf    ANSEL            ; digital I/O
    clrf    ANSELH            ;    "    "    "
    movlw    B'00000000'        ; To disable comparators
    movwf    CM1CON0            ; disable comparator
    movlw    B'00000000'        ; Not necessary?
    movwf    CM2CON0            ; disable 2nd comparator
    movlw    B'00000000'        ; Not necessary?
    movwf    CM2CON1            ; disable 3rd comparator
    bsf        STATUS,RP0        ; RP0 = 1
    bcf        STATUS,RP1        ; RP1 = 0 -> Bank 1
    movlw    B'00001000'        ; RA0,RA1,RA2,RA4,RA5,RA6 and RA7 output - RA3 input
    movwf    TRISA            ; Set it
    movlw    B'00000000'        ; All PORTB output
    movwf    TRISB            ; Set it
    movlw    B'10000010'        ; RC0,RC2,RC3,RC4,RC5,RC6 output - RC1 and RC7 inputs
    movwf    TRISC            ; Set it
    bcf        STATUS,RP0        ; RP0 = 0
    bcf        STATUS,RP1        ; RP1 = 0 -> Bank 0
    bcf        SSPCON,SSPEN    ; Disable Synchronous Serial Port

    ; Turn off all displays and leds
    bsf        LED_CMN            ; Leds off
    bsf        DISP1            ; Display1 off
    bsf        DISP2            ; Display2 off
    bsf        DISP3            ; Display3 off
    movlw    D'180'            ; Init temperature with 180 degrees Celsius
    movwf    temper            ; Put it in temper file
    movlw    D'40'            ; Start timer with 40 minutes
    movwf    timer            ; Put it in timer file
    clrf    units            ; Clear dislay's files
    clrf    tens            ;
    clrf    hundreds        ;
    movlw    D'255'
    movwf    buz_length        ; Buzzer initial duration
    movlw    B'11110001'        ; Leds initial state (led onoff blinking, up, down and temperature on)
    movwf    leds_s            ; Set leds state
    clrf    k_pressed        ; Zero keys pressed state
    clrf    Key_deb            ; Zero Keys debounce flag
    clrf    Key_off            ; Zero Key off flag
    movlw    D'255'            ; Value to preload to
    movwf    Led_blink        ; Led blink time control
    goto    main_loop

;* Sub-routines in Alphabetical Order

        ; binary_to_bcd - 8-bits
        ; INPUT:        temper   - 8-bit binary number
        ; return:      hundreds - the hundreds digit of the BCD conversion
        ;                tens     - the tens digits of the BCD conversion
        ;                units    - the ones digits of the BCD conversion


    movwf    aux                ; save the value to convert in aux
    clrf    units            ;
    clrf    tens            ;
    clrf    hundreds        ; RESET variables
    movf    aux,F            ;
    btfsc    STATUS,Z        ; Is the value to convert = 0?
    retlw    00                ; Yes - Return
                            ; No
    incf    units,F            ; Increment unit
    movf    units,W            ;
    xorlw    0X0A            ;
    btfss    STATUS,Z        ; unit = 10d ?
    goto    $+3                ; No
                            ; yes
    clrf    units            ; Reset unit
    incf    tens,F            ; Increment tens
    movf    tens,W            ;
    xorlw    0X0A            ;
    btfss    STATUS,Z        ; Tens = 10d ?
    goto    $+3                ; No
                            ; Yes
    clrf    tens            ; Reset tens
    incf    hundreds,F        ; Increment hundreds
    decfsz    aux,F            ; End of convertion ?
    goto    $-.14            ; No - go back to continue the convertion
    retlw    00                ; Yes

    movlw    D'255'            ; Load W with 255 (0xFF)
    movwf    aux_file        ; Load aux_file counter with 255
    decfsz    aux_file,F        ; Decrement it untill it reaches 0
    goto    $-1                ; Keep doing till aux_file is 0

    ; Leds:
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ; blink   onoff     up     down   light    toast   time    temp

    btfss    leds_s,7        ; Is led blink enabled?
    goto    contled            ; not enabled    ; No, get out!
    btfsc    leds_s,6        ; Is led on/off on?
    goto    $+3
    bcf        LED_ONOFF        ; No - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN
    goto    $+2
    bsf        LED_ONOFF        ; Yes - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN

    decfsz    Led_blink,F        ; Blink control = 0?
    goto    contled            ; No
    movlw    D'255'            ; Value to preload to
    movwf    Led_blink        ; Led blink time control
    btfsc    leds_s,6        ; Is led on/off on?
    goto    setledoff        ; Yes, turn it off.
    bsf        leds_s,6        ; No, turn it on
    goto    contled            ; Continue
    bcf        leds_s,6        ; Led on/off in off
    btfss    LEDS_ON            ; Are leds enabled? Without this, there were weird display's segments behaviour.
    goto    endleds            ; No, get out
    btfsc    leds_s,5        ; Is led up on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf        LED_UP            ; No
    goto    $+2
    bcf        LED_UP            ; Yes
    btfsc    leds_s,4        ; Is led down on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf        LED_DWN            ; No
    goto    $+2
    bcf        LED_DWN            ; Yes
    btfsc    leds_s,3        ; Is led light on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf        LED_LIGHT        ; No
    goto    $+2
    bcf        LED_LIGHT        ; Yes
    btfsc    leds_s,2        ; Is led toast on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf        LED_TOASTER        ; No
    goto    $+2
    bcf        LED_TOASTER        ; Yes
    btfsc    leds_s,1        ; Is led time on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf        LED_timer        ; No
    goto    $+2
    bcf        LED_timer        ; Yes
    btfsc    leds_s,0        ; Is led temp on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf        LED_TEMP        ; No
    goto    $+2
    bcf        LED_TEMP        ; YES
    bcf        LEDS_ON            ; Here, I turn on the leds anode (transistor Q6)

    ; Test_Keys (k_pressed):
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ;   X      up     timer   onoff    light   toast   temp    down

    bsf        STATUS,RP0        ; RP0 = 1 goto Bank 1
    bcf        OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag

    movlw    B'00111100'        ; 0 = output - 1 = input
    movwf    TRISA            ; Make RA2, RA4, RA3 and RA5 inputs (RA3 is a sensor)
    movlw    B'11110000'        ; 0 = output - 1 = input
    movwf    TRISB            ; Make RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 inputs
    movlw    B'00110100'        ; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf    WPUA            ; Enable RA2, RA4 and RA5 pull-up internal resistors
    bsf        OPTION_REG,7    ; Set RABPU flag
    bcf        STATUS,RP0        ; RP0 = 1 -> Bank 0    
    bsf        STATUS,RP1        ; RP1 = 0 -> "   "2
    movlw    B'11110000'        ; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf    WPUB            ; Enable RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 pull-up internal resistors    
    bcf        STATUS,RP1        ; RP2 = 2 -> "   "0   

    btfss    KEY_UP            ; KEY_UP pressed?
    incf    temper,F        ; Yes
    btfsc    KEY_UP            ; Key Up pressed?
    goto    $+3                ; No
    bsf        k_pressed,6        ; Yes, set flag
    goto    $+2                ; Exit
    bcf        k_pressed,6        ; No, reset flag
    btfsc    KEY_timer        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,5        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bcf        k_pressed,5        ;
    btfsc    KEY_ONOFF        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,4        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bcf        k_pressed,4        ;
    btfsc    KEY_LIGHT        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,3        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bcf        k_pressed,3        ;
    btfsc    KEY_TOASTER        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,2        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bcf        k_pressed,2        ;
    btfsc    KEY_TEMP        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,1        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bcf        k_pressed,1        ;
    btfsc    KEY_DWN            ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,0        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bcf        k_pressed,0        ;
    ;bsf        STATUS,RP0        ; RP0 = 1 -> Goto Bank 1 (RP1 already = 0)
   ; bcf        WPUA,7
    ;bcf        WPUB,7   ;the weak pull ups only work when INPUT 
    bsf        STATUS,RP0        ;  0 -> 1
    bcf        OPTION_REG,7    ; Set RABPU flag  set or CLEAR?
    movlw    B'00001000'        ;
    movwf    TRISA            ; Make A0,A1,A2,A4,A5,A6 and A7 outputs.
    movlw    B'00000000'        ;
    movwf    TRISB            ; Make all PORTB output.
    bcf        STATUS,RP0        ;1 ->  Bank 0 
    retlw    00

;* Main 

    movf    temper,W        ; Put temperature in W
    call    bin2bcd            ; Decode Temperature to bcd
    movf    units,W            ; copy units to W
    call    decdisp_a        ; turn on/off segments A,B,E 
    bsf        LED_CMN            ; Leds off
    movwf    PORTA            ; put it in PORTA
    movf    units,W            ; copy units to W
    call    decdisp_b        ; turn on/off segments C,D,F,G 
    movwf    PORTB            ; put it in PORTB
    bcf        DISP1            ; display 1 on
    call    H_keeping        ; delay 
    movf    tens,W            ; copy tens to W
    call    decdisp_a        ; turn on/off segments A,B,E 
    bsf        DISP1            ; display 1 off
    movwf    PORTA            ; put it in PORTA
    movf    tens,W            ; copy tens to W
    call    decdisp_b        ; turn on/off segments C,D,F,G
    movwf    PORTB            ; put it in PORTB
    bcf        DISP2            ; display 2 on
    call    H_keeping        ; delay 
    movf    hundreds,W        ; copy hundeds to W
    call    decdisp_a        ; turn on/off segments A,B,E 
    bsf        DISP2            ; display 2 off
    movwf    PORTA            ; put it in PORTA
    movf    hundreds,W        ; copy hundeds to W
    call    decdisp_b        ; turn on/off segments C,D,F,G
    movwf    PORTB            ; put it in PORTB
    bcf        DISP3            ; display 3 on
    call    H_keeping        ; delay 
    bsf        DISP3            ; display 3 off

    ; Leds code:
    bsf        LEDS_ON            ; Flag to turn leds on
    bcf        LED_CMN            ; clear bit 2 on PORTC to turn on LEDs    
    call    H_keeping        ; delay 

    goto    main_loop        ; Back to main loop

Exactly the same results.
I will be back to you later because it's 01:00 AM and I have to go, at 07:00 AM to a job interview.
When I return, I will see if I can discover something.
I have added the key detect sub-routines:

;* Sub-routines in Alphabetical Order

        ; binary_to_bcd - 8-bits
        ; INPUT:        temper   - 8-bit binary number
        ; return:      hundreds - the hundreds digit of the BCD conversion
        ;                tens     - the tens digits of the BCD conversion
        ;                units    - the ones digits of the BCD conversion


    movwf    aux                ; save the value to convert in aux
    clrf    units            ;
    clrf    tens            ;
    clrf    hundreds        ; RESET variables
    movf    aux,F            ;
    btfsc    STATUS,Z        ; Is the value to convert = 0?
    retlw    00                ; Yes - Return
                            ; No
    incf    units,F            ; Increment unit
    movf    units,W            ;
    xorlw    0X0A            ;
    btfss    STATUS,Z        ; unit = 10d ?
    goto    $+3                ; No
                            ; yes
    clrf    units            ; Reset unit
    incf    tens,F            ; Increment tens
    movf    tens,W            ;
    xorlw    0X0A            ;
    btfss    STATUS,Z        ; Tens = 10d ?
    goto    $+3                ; No
                            ; Yes
    clrf    tens            ; Reset tens
    incf    hundreds,F        ; Increment hundreds
    decfsz    aux,F            ; End of convertion ?
    goto    $-.14            ; No - go back to continue the convertion
    retlw    00                ; Yes


    movlw    D'255'            ; This delay increase the on-time for each segment
    movwf    aux_file        ; to improve the brightness
    decfsz    aux_file,F        ; 
    goto    $-1    
    retlw    00


    ; Leds:
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ; blink   onoff     up     down   light    toast   time    temp

    btfss    leds_s,7        ; Is led blink enabled?
    goto    contled            ; not enabled    ; No, get out!
    btfsc    leds_s,6        ; Is led on/off on?
    goto    $+3
    bcf        LED_ONOFF        ; No - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN
    goto    $+2
    bsf        LED_ONOFF        ; Yes - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN

    decfsz    Led_blink,F        ; Blink control = 0?
    goto    contled            ; No
    movlw    D'255'            ; Value to preload to
    movwf    Led_blink        ; Led blink time control
    btfsc    leds_s,6        ; Is led on/off on?
    goto    setledoff        ; Yes, turn it off.
    bsf        leds_s,6        ; No, turn it on
    goto    contled            ; Continue
    bcf        leds_s,6        ; Led on/off in off
    ;btfss    LEDS_ON            ; Are leds enabled? Without this, there were weird display's segments behaviour.
    ;goto    endleds            ; No, get out
   ; btfsc    leds_s,5        ; Is led up on?
   ; goto    $+3
   ; bsf        LED_UP            ; turn LED_UP OFF
   ; goto    $+2
   ; bcf        LED_UP            ; turn LED_UP ON
   ; btfsc    leds_s,4        ; Is led down on?
   ; goto    $+3
   ; bsf        LED_DWN            ; turn LED_DWN OFF
   ; goto    $+2
   ; bcf        LED_DWN            ; turn LED_DWN ON
   ; btfsc    leds_s,3        ; Is led light on?
   ; goto    $+3
   ; bsf        LED_LIGHT        ; No
   ; goto    $+2
   ; bcf        LED_LIGHT        ; Yes
   ; btfsc    leds_s,2        ; Is led toast on?
   ; goto    $+3
   ; bsf        LED_TOASTER        ; No
   ; goto    $+2
   ; bcf        LED_TOASTER        ; Yes
   ; btfsc    leds_s,1        ; Is led time on?
   ; goto    $+3
   ; bsf        LED_timer        ; No
   ; goto    $+2
   ; bcf        LED_timer        ; Yes
   ; btfsc    leds_s,0        ; Is led temp on?
   ; goto    $+3
  ;  bsf        LED_TEMP        ; No
  ;  goto    $+2
   ; bcf        LED_TEMP        ; YES
    bcf        LEDS_ON            ; turn on the leds anode (transistor Q6)

    ; Test_Keys (k_pressed):
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ;   X      up     timer   onoff    light   toast   temp    down
    ;Hasn't all the following been done in Set_UP?????????????

   ; bsf        STATUS,RP0        ;0 to Bank 1
   ; bcf        OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag

   ; movlw    B'00111100'        ; 0 = output - 1 = input
   ; movwf    TRISA            ; Make RA2, RA4, RA3 and RA5 inputs (RA3 is a sensor)
   ; movlw    B'11110000'        ; 0 = output - 1 = input
   ; movwf    TRISB            ; Make RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 inputs
   ; movlw    B'00110100'        ; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
   ; movwf    WPUA            ; Enable RA2, RA4 and RA5 pull-up internal resistors
   ; bsf        OPTION_REG,7    ; Set RABPU flag
   ; bcf        STATUS,RP0        ;   1 -> Bank 0    
    ;bsf        STATUS,RP1        ;  0 -> "   "2
   ; movlw    B'11110000'        ; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
   ; movwf    WPUB            ; Enable RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 pull-up internal resistors    
    ;bcf        STATUS,RP1        ; 2 -> "   "0 
    ;movlw    D'255'            ; This delay increase the on-time for each segment
    ;movwf    aux_file        ; to improve the brightness
   ; decfsz    aux_file,F        ; 
   ; goto    $-1  
    ;This section has a number of sub-routines to detect a key press, set a flag and turn on a LED

    ;This routine detects if a key is pressed for the second
    ;time so that a LED can be turned off. It does this by detecting the 
    :key is pressed and looking to see if the "not-pressed" flag has been 
    ;set to indicate the key has been released between detections.  
    btfsc    KEY_UP            ; When KEY_UP pressed, input=0
    goto    $+4
    btfss    k_not_pressed,6    ;key pressed - look to see if second pressing
    goto    $+2             ;(if k_not_pressed,6 is set, key has been released between detections)
    bcf        k_pressed,6        ; clear the KEY_UP flag
    btfsc    KEY_timer        ; When KEY_timer pressed, input=0
    goto    $+4
    btfss    k_not_pressed,5    ;key pressed - look to see if second pressing
    goto    $+2             ;(if k_not_pressed,5 is set, key has been released between detections)
    bcf        k_pressed,5        ; clear the KEY_timer flag
    btfsc    KEY_ONOFF        ; When KEY_ONOFF pressed, input=0
    goto    $+4
    btfss    k_not_pressed,4    ;key pressed - look to see if second pressing
    goto    $+2             ;(if k_not_pressed,4 is set, key has been released between detections)
    bcf        k_pressed,4        ; clear the KEY_ONOFF flag
    btfsc    KEY_LIGHT        ; When KEY_LIGHT pressed, input=0
    goto    $+4
    btfss    k_not_pressed,3    ;key pressed - look to see if second pressing
    goto    $+2             ;(if k_not_pressed,3 is set, key has been released between detections)
    bcf        k_pressed,3        ; clear the KEY_LIGHT flag
    btfsc    KEY_TOASTER        ; When KEY_TOASTER pressed, input=0
    goto    $+4
    btfss    k_not_pressed,2    ;key pressed - look to see if second pressing
    goto    $+2             ;(if k_not_pressed,2 is set, key has been released between detections)
    bcf        k_pressed,2        ; clear the KEY_TOASTER flag
    btfsc    KEY_TEMP        ; When KEY_TEMP pressed, input=0
    goto    $+4
    btfss    k_not_pressed,1    ;key pressed - look to see if second pressing
    goto    $+2             ;(if k_not_pressed,1 is set, key has been released between detections)
    bcf        k_pressed,1        ; clear the KEY_TEMP flag
    btfsc    KEY_DWN            ; When KEY_DWN     pressed, input=0
    goto    $+4
    btfss    k_not_pressed,0    ;key pressed - look to see if second pressing
    goto    $+2             ;(if k_not_pressed,0 is set, key has been released between detections)
    bcf        k_pressed,0        ; clear the KEY_DWN     flag
    ;This routine detects if a key is released
    btfss    KEY_UP            ; When KEY_UP not pressed, input=1
    goto    $+2
    bsf        k_not_pressed,6        ; Yes, set flag
    btfss    KEY_timer        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bsf        k_not_pressed,5        ;
    btfss    KEY_ONOFF        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bsf        k_not_pressed,4        ;
    btfss    KEY_LIGHT        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bsf        k_not_pressed,3        ;
    btfss    KEY_TOASTER        ;
    goto    $+2                ;
    bsf        k_not_pressed,2        ;
    btfss    KEY_TEMP        ;When KEY_TEMP not pressed, input=1
    goto    $+2                ;
    bsf        k_not_pressed,1        ;
    btfss    KEY_DWN            ;When KEY_DWN not pressed, input=1
    goto    $+2
    bsf        k_not_pressed,0    
    ;This routine just detects if a key is pressed. 
    ;If a key is pressed, it will set the corresponding flag
    ;Another routine will detect that the key has been released. 
    ;and other routine will deal with doing something will the "key-pressed" flag. 
    ;and another routine will deal with turning off the "key-pressed" flag. 
    ;clear the flags file in start_up
    btfsc    KEY_UP            ; When KEY_UP pressed, input=0
    goto    $+3
    bsf        k_pressed,6        ; Yes, set flag
    bcf        k_not_pressed,6                    
    btfsc    KEY_timer        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,5        ;
    bcf        k_not_pressed,5
    btfsc    KEY_ONOFF        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,4        ;
    bcf        k_not_pressed,4
    btfsc    KEY_LIGHT        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,3        ;
    bcf        k_not_pressed,3
    btfsc    KEY_TOASTER        ;
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,2        ;
    bcf        k_not_pressed,2        
    btfsc    KEY_TEMP        ;When KEY_TEMP pressed, input=0
    goto    $+3                ;
    bsf        k_pressed,1        ;
    bcf        k_not_pressed,1        
    btfsc    KEY_DWN            ;When KEY_DWN pressed, input=0
    goto    $+3
    bsf        k_pressed,0    
    bcf        k_not_pressed,0
    bsf        STATUS,RP0        ;  0 -> 1
    bcf        OPTION_REG,7    ; Set RABPU flag  set or CLEAR?
    movlw    B'00001000'        ;
    movwf    TRISA            ; Make A0,A1,A2,A4,A5,A6 and A7 outputs.
    clrf    TRISB            ; Make all PORTB output.
    bcf        STATUS,RP0        ;1 ->  Bank 0 
    retlw    00

;* Main 

    movf    temper,W        ; Put temperature in W
    call    bin2bcd            ; Decode Temperature to bcd
    movf    units,W            ; copy units to W
    call    decdisp_a        ; turn on/off segments A,B,E 
    bsf        LED_CMN            ; Leds off
    movwf    PORTA            ; put it in PORTA
    movf    units,W            ; copy units to W
    call    decdisp_b        ; turn on/off segments C,D,F,G 
    movwf    PORTB            ; put it in PORTB
    bcf        DISP1            ; display 1 on
    call    DelayAA            ; delay 
    movf    tens,W            ; copy tens to W
    call    decdisp_a        ; turn on/off segments A,B,E 
    bsf        DISP1            ; display 1 off
    movwf    PORTA            ; put it in PORTA
    movf    tens,W            ; copy tens to W
    call    decdisp_b        ; turn on/off segments C,D,F,G
    movwf    PORTB            ; put it in PORTB
    bcf        DISP2            ; display 2 on
    call    DelayAA            ; delay 
    movf    hundreds,W        ; copy hundeds to W
    call    decdisp_a        ; turn on/off segments A,B,E 
    bsf        DISP2            ; display 2 off
    movwf    PORTA            ; put it in PORTA
    movf    hundreds,W        ; copy hundeds to W
    call    decdisp_b        ; turn on/off segments C,D,F,G
    movwf    PORTB            ; put it in PORTB
    bcf        DISP3            ; display 3 on
    call    DelayAA            ; delay 
    bsf        DISP3            ; display 3 off

    ; Leds code:
    bsf        LEDS_ON            ; Flag to turn leds on?????????????????
    bcf        LED_CMN            ; clear bit 2 on PORTC to turn on LEDs    
    call    H_keeping        ; detect keys and show LEDs 

    goto    main            ; Back to main 

;Hasn't all the following been done in Set_UP?????????????

; bsf STATUS,RP0 ;0 to Bank 1
; bcf OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag

When the pins are configured again as outputs, the pull-ups registers are cleared (page 60 of 16F677):
"Each of the PORTA pins, except RA3, has an
individually configurable internal weak pull-up. Control
bits WPUAx enable or disable each pull-up. Refer to
Register 4-4. Each weak pull-up is automatically turned
off when the port pin is configured as an output."
Implemented the code you posted.
;* DESCRIPTION: System definitions.

	ERRORLEVEL -302 ;remove message about using proper bank

	LIST  P=16F677

;* DESCRIPTION: Program variables and constant definitions.

temper		equ 0x20						; Store temperature
units		equ 0x24						; units
tens		equ	0x25						; tens
hundreds	equ 0x26						; hundreds
aux			equ	0x27						; GENERAL aux. REGISTER
tempo0		equ	0x28
tempo1		equ	0x29
flags		equ	0x2B						; General use flags
timer		equ	0x2D						; Timer register
buz_file	equ 0x2E						; Buzzer file
buz_length	equ 0x2F						; Buzzer length
leds_s		equ	0x30						; Leds state
k_pressed	equ	0x31						; Keys pressed state
Key_deb		equ	0x32						; Keys debounce flag
k_not_pressed equ	0x33					; Key off flag
Led_blink	equ	0x34						; Led blink time - for debounce
aux_file	equ	0x35						; timing auxiliar file

sw_flag		equ	0x35						; For keys routines
fastcount	equ	0x36						; For keys routines

#define		LEDS_ON				flags,0		; Flag to see if the leds should be on

; Leds
#define		LED_CMN				PORTC,2		; Leds Anodes

#define		LED_UP				PORTA,4		; Led UP
#define		LED_timer			PORTB,6		; Led timer
#define		LED_TEMP			PORTB,5		; Led TEMP
#define		LED_DWN				PORTA,2		; Led DWN
#define		LED_LIGHT			PORTB,4		; Led LIGHT
#define		LED_ONOFF			PORTC,6		; Led ONOFF

; Displays
#define		DISP1				PORTC,3		; Anode display DIS0
#define		DISP2				PORTC,4		; Anode display DIS1
#define		DISP3				PORTC,5		; Anode display DIS2

; Keys
#define		KEY_UP				PORTB,7		; KEY_UP
#define		KEY_timer			PORTB,6		; KEY_timer
#define		KEY_TEMP			PORTA,4		; KEY_TEMP
#define		KEY_DWN				PORTA,2		; KEY_DWN

; Buzzer
#define		buz					PORTC,0		; Buzzer

;* DESCRIPTION: Start of program.
	ORG		0x0000
	goto	start

;* DESCRIPTION: Decodes value in W register to display segments for PORTA.
;* return:      result in W

	addwf   PCL,F		; compute the jump value
						;	|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| -	Bits PORTA
						;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-|
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -	0
	retlw	B'00010100'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|X|-|-| -	1
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -	2
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -	3
	retlw	B'00010100'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|X|-|-| -	4
	retlw	B'00110000'	;	|-|-|X|X|-|A|-|-| -	5
	retlw	B'00100000'	;	|-|-|X|E|-|A|-|-| -	6
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -	7
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|-|-|B|E|-|A|-|-| -	8
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|-|-|B|X|-|A|-|-| -	9

;* DESCRIPTION: Decodes value in W register to display segments, for PORTB.
;* return:      result in W

	addwf   PCL,F		; compute the jump value
						;	|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| -	Bits PORTB
						;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -
	retlw	B'00010000'	;	|C|F|D|X|-|-|-|-| -	0
	retlw	B'01110000'	;	|C|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| -	1
	retlw	B'11000000'	;	|X|X|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	2
	retlw	B'01000000'	;	|C|X|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	3
	retlw	B'00100000'	;	|C|F|X|G|-|-|-|-| -	4
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	5
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	6
	retlw	B'01110000'	;	|C|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| -	7
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	8
	retlw	B'00000000'	;	|C|F|D|G|-|-|-|-| -	9

;* DESCRIPTION: Program Initialization
	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0
	bsf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 1 -> Bank 2
	clrf	ANSEL			; digital I/O
	clrf	ANSELH			;	"	"	"
	movlw	B'00000000'		; To disable comparators
	movwf	CM1CON0			; disable comparator
	movlw	B'00000000'		; Not necessary?
	movwf	CM2CON0			; disable 2nd comparator
	movlw	B'00000000'		; Not necessary?
	movwf	CM2CON1			; disable 3rd comparator
	bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> Bank 1
	movlw	B'00001000'		; RA0,RA1,RA2,RA4,RA5,RA6 and RA7 output - RA3 input
	movwf	TRISA			; Set it
	movlw	B'00000000'		; All PORTB output
	movwf	TRISB			; Set it
	movlw	B'10000010'		; RC0,RC2,RC3,RC4,RC5,RC6 output - RC1 and RC7 inputs
	movwf	TRISC			; Set it
	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> Bank 0
	bcf		SSPCON,SSPEN	; Disable Synchronous Serial Port

	; Turn off all displays and leds
	bsf		LED_CMN			; Leds off
	bsf		DISP1			; Display1 off
	bsf		DISP2			; Display2 off
	bsf		DISP3			; Display3 off
	movlw	D'180'			; Init temperature with 180 degrees Celsius
	movwf	temper			; Put it in temper file
	movlw	D'40'			; Start timer with 40 minutes
	movwf	timer			; Put it in timer file
	clrf	units			; Clear dislay's files
	clrf	tens			;
	clrf	hundreds		;
	movlw	D'255'
	movwf	buz_length		; Buzzer initial duration
	movlw	B'11110001'		; Leds initial state (led onoff blinking, up, down and temperature on)
	movwf	leds_s			; Set leds state
	clrf	k_pressed		; Zero keys pressed state
	clrf	Key_deb			; Zero Keys debounce flag
	clrf	k_not_pressed	; Zero Key off flag
	movlw	D'255'			; Value to preload to
	movwf	Led_blink		; Led blink time control
    goto    main_loop

;* DESCRIPTION: binary_to_bcd - 8-bits
;* INPUT:		temper   - 8-bit binary number
;* return:      hundreds - the hundreds digit of the BCD conversion
;*				tens     - the tens digits of the BCD conversion
;*				units    - the ones digits of the BCD conversion

	movwf	aux				; save the value to convert in aux
	clrf	units			;
	clrf	tens			;
	clrf	hundreds		; RESET variables
	movf	aux,F			;
	btfsc	STATUS,Z		; Is the value to convert = 0?
	return					; Yes - Return
							; No
	incf	units,F			; Increment unit
	movf	units,W			;
	xorlw	0X0A			;
	btfss	STATUS,Z		; unit = 10d ?
	goto	$+3				; No
							; yes
	clrf	units			; Reset unit
	incf	tens,F			; Increment tens
	movf	tens,W			;
	xorlw	0X0A			;
	btfss	STATUS,Z		; Tens = 10d ?
	goto	$+3				; No
							; Yes
	clrf	tens			; Reset tens
	incf	hundreds,F		; Increment hundreds
	decfsz	aux,F			; End of convertion ?
	goto	$-.14			; No - go back to continue the convertion
	return					; Yes

;* DESCRIPTION: House keeping and delay routine.

	movlw	D'255'			; This delay increase the on-time for each segment
	movwf	aux_file		; to improve the brightness
	decfsz	aux_file,F		; 
	goto	$-1    
	retlw	00

;* DESCRIPTION: House keeping and delay routine.

    ; Leds:
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ; blink   onoff     up     down   light    toast   time    temp

    btfss	leds_s,7		; Is led blink enabled?
    goto	contled			; No, it's not enabled
    btfsc	leds_s,6		; Is led on/off on?
    goto	$+3
    bcf		LED_ONOFF		; No - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN
    goto	$+2
    bsf		LED_ONOFF		; Yes - it's activated directly, not using LED_CMN

    decfsz	Led_blink,F		; Blink control = 0?
    goto	contled			; No
    movlw	D'255'			; Value to preload to
    movwf	Led_blink		; Led blink time control
    btfsc	leds_s,6		; Is led on/off on?
    goto	setledoff		; Yes, turn it off.
    bsf		leds_s,6		; No, turn it on
    goto	contled			; Continue
    bcf		leds_s,6		; Led on/off in off
    btfss	LEDS_ON			; Are leds enabled? Without this, there were weird display's segments behaviour.
    goto	endleds			; No, get out
    btfsc	leds_s,5		; Is led up on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_UP			; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_UP			; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,4		; Is led down on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_DWN			; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_DWN			; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,3		; Is led light on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_LIGHT		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_LIGHT		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,2		; Is led toast on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_TOASTER		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_TOASTER		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,1		; Is led time on?
    goto	$+3
    bsf		LED_timer		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_timer		; Yes
    btfsc	leds_s,0		; Is led temp on?
    goto    $+3
    bsf		LED_TEMP		; No
    goto	$+2
    bcf		LED_TEMP		; YES
    bcf		LEDS_ON			; Here, I turn on the leds anode (transistor Q6)

    ; Test_Keys (k_pressed):
    ;   7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
    ;   X      up     timer   onoff    light   toast   temp    down

    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 goto Bank 1
    bcf		OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag

    movlw	B'00111100'		; 0 = output - 1 = input
    movwf	TRISA			; Make RA2, RA4, RA3 and RA5 inputs (RA3 is a sensor)
    movlw	B'11110000'		; 0 = output - 1 = input
    movwf	TRISB			; Make RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 inputs
    movlw	B'00110100'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUA			; Enable RA2, RA4 and RA5 pull-up internal resistors
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Bank 2
	bsf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 1 -> "   "
    movlw	B'11110000'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUB			; Enable RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 pull-up internal resistors
    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 -> Back to Bank 1
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> "   "
	bsf		OPTION_REG,7	; Set RABPU flag
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Back to Bank 0 (RP1 already = 0)

	;This section has a number of sub-routines to detect a key press, set a flag and turn on a LED

	;This routine detects if a key is pressed for the second
	;time so that a LED can be turned off. It does this by detecting the 
	;key is pressed and looking to see if the "not-pressed" flag has been 
	;set to indicate the key has been released between detections.  

	btfsc	KEY_UP			; When KEY_UP pressed, input=0
	goto	$+4
	btfss	k_not_pressed,6	; key pressed - look to see if second pressing
	goto	$+2				; (if k_not_pressed,6 is set, key has been released between detections)
	bcf		k_pressed,6		; clear the KEY_UP flag

	btfsc	KEY_timer		; When KEY_timer pressed, input=0
	goto	$+4
	btfss	k_not_pressed,5	; key pressed - look to see if second pressing
	goto	$+2				; (if k_not_pressed,5 is set, key has been released between detections)
	bcf		k_pressed,5		; clear the KEY_timer flag

	btfsc	KEY_ONOFF		; When KEY_ONOFF pressed, input=0
	goto	$+4
	btfss	k_not_pressed,4	; key pressed - look to see if second pressing
	goto	$+2				; (if k_not_pressed,4 is set, key has been released between detections)
	bcf		k_pressed,4		; clear the KEY_ONOFF flag

	btfsc	KEY_LIGHT		; When KEY_LIGHT pressed, input=0
	goto	$+4
	btfss	k_not_pressed,3	; key pressed - look to see if second pressing
	goto	$+2				; (if k_not_pressed,3 is set, key has been released between detections)
	bcf		k_pressed,3		; clear the KEY_LIGHT flag

	btfsc	KEY_TOASTER		; When KEY_TOASTER pressed, input=0
	goto	$+4
	btfss	k_not_pressed,2	; key pressed - look to see if second pressing
	goto	$+2				; (if k_not_pressed,2 is set, key has been released between detections)
	bcf		k_pressed,2		; clear the KEY_TOASTER flag

	btfsc	KEY_TEMP		; When KEY_TEMP pressed, input=0
	goto	$+4
	btfss	k_not_pressed,1	; key pressed - look to see if second pressing
	goto	$+2				; (if k_not_pressed,1 is set, key has been released between detections)
	bcf		k_pressed,1		; clear the KEY_TEMP flag

	btfsc	KEY_DWN			; When KEY_DWN     pressed, input=0
	goto	$+4
	btfss	k_not_pressed,0	; key pressed - look to see if second pressing
	goto	$+2				; (if k_not_pressed,0 is set, key has been released between detections)
	bcf		k_pressed,0		; clear the KEY_DWN     flag

	;This routine detects if a key is released

	btfss	KEY_UP			; When KEY_UP not pressed, input=1
	goto	$+2
	bsf		k_not_pressed,6	; Yes, set flag

	btfss	KEY_timer		; When KEY_timer not pressed, input=1
	goto	$+2				;
	bsf		k_not_pressed,5	;

	btfss	KEY_ONOFF		; When KEY_ONOFF not pressed, input=1
	goto	$+2				;
	bsf		k_not_pressed,4	;

	btfss	KEY_LIGHT		; When KEY_LIGHT not pressed, input=1
	goto	$+2				;
	bsf		k_not_pressed,3	;

	btfss	KEY_TOASTER		; When KEY_TOASTER not pressed, input=1
	goto	$+2				;
	bsf		k_not_pressed,2	;

	btfss	KEY_TEMP		; When KEY_TEMP not pressed, input=1
	goto	$+2				;
	bsf		k_not_pressed,1	;

	btfss	KEY_DWN			; When KEY_DWN not pressed, input=1
	goto	$+2
	bsf		k_not_pressed,0    

	;This routine just detects if a key is pressed. 
	;If a key is pressed, it will set the corresponding flag
	;Another routine will detect that the key has been released. 
	;and other routine will deal with doing something will the "key-pressed" flag. 
	;and another routine will deal with turning off the "key-pressed" flag. 
	;clear the flags file in start_up

	btfsc	KEY_UP			; When KEY_UP pressed, input=0
	goto	$+3
	bsf		k_pressed,6		; Yes, set flag
	bcf		k_not_pressed,6                    

	btfsc	KEY_timer		;
	goto	$+3				;
	bsf		k_pressed,5		;
	bcf		k_not_pressed,5

	btfsc	KEY_ONOFF		;
	goto	$+3				;
	bsf		k_pressed,4		;
	bcf		k_not_pressed,4

	btfsc	KEY_LIGHT		;
	goto	$+3				;
	bsf		k_pressed,3		;
	bcf		k_not_pressed,3

	btfsc	KEY_TOASTER		;
	goto	$+3				;
	bsf		k_pressed,2		;
	bcf		k_not_pressed,2
	btfsc	KEY_TEMP		;When KEY_TEMP pressed, input=0
	goto	$+3				;
	bsf		k_pressed,1		;
	bcf		k_not_pressed,1        

	btfsc	KEY_DWN			;When KEY_DWN pressed, input=0
	goto	$+3
	bsf		k_pressed,0    
	bcf		k_not_pressed,0

    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 -> Goto Bank 1 (RP1 already = 0)
    bcf		WPUA,7
    bcf		WPUB,7
    bcf		OPTION_REG,7	; Set RABPU flag
    movlw	B'00001000'		;
    movwf	TRISA			; Make A0,A1,A2,A4,A5,A6 and A7 outputs.
    movlw	B'00000000'		;
    movwf	TRISB			; Make all PORTB output.
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Back to Bank 0 (RP1 already = 0)

    retlw    00

;* DESCRIPTION: Main Program

	movf	temper,W		; Put temperature in W
	call	bin2bcd			; Decode Temperature to bcd
	movf	units,W			; copy units to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		LED_CMN			; Leds off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	units,W			; copy units to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP1			; display 1 on
	call	DelayAA			; delay
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	movf	tens,W			; copy tens to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		DISP1			; display 1 off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	tens,W			; copy tens to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP2			; display 2 on
	call	DelayAA			; delay
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	movf	hundreds,W		; copy hundeds to W
	call	decdisp_a		; convert
	bsf		DISP2			; display 2 off
	movwf	PORTA			; put it in PORTA
	movf	hundreds,W		; copy hundeds to W
	call	decdisp_b		; convert
	movwf	PORTB			; put it in PORTA
	bcf		DISP3			; display 3 on
	call	DelayAA			; delay
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms
	bsf		DISP3			; display 3 off

	; Leds code:
	bsf		LEDS_ON			; Flag leds on
	bcf		LED_CMN			; Leds on
	call	H_keeping		; delay 2 ms

	goto	main_loop		; Back to main loop

Last edited:
I understand your reasoning with this: Each weak pull-up is automatically turned
off when the port pin is configured as an output."

It is just the bad wording of the Microchip document.

The pullups are available again when the pin is required as an input, if the setting has been set in Set_Up.

You now have to create a sub-routine that detects if a flag has been set and turn on the appropriate LED.

You were doing too many things in the one sub-routine. You were turning on a flag or turning it off in the same sub-routine.
The flags are toggled and this toggles the LEDs.
Also you have not changed the names of the sub-routines as per my last detailed program. The names I suggested are more suitable: Start becomes set_up and main_loop becomes Main
Made the changes:
Put the init of pull-ups in set_up:
    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 goto Bank 1
    bcf		OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag
    movlw	B'00110100'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUA			; Enable RA2, RA4 and RA5 pull-up internal resistors
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Bank 2
	bsf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 1 -> "   "
    movlw	B'11110000'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUB			; Enable RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 pull-up internal resistors

	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> Back to Bank 0

Renamed Start to set_up and main_loop to Main.
Compiled and burned.
Now, I need to test a key, to see if it works with these mods.
I have also cut out a lot of coding for bsf status, RP0 RP1 etc. see my last program. It clears up all your mess.
I had already cleaned up the House Keeping code for the bank election.
I just forgot to clean the set_up (1 or 2 lines).
Now, it's:
	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0
	bsf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 1 -> Bank 2 (I need it to switch to bank2)
	clrf	ANSEL			; digital I/O
	clrf	ANSELH			;	"	"	"
	movlw	B'00000000'		; To disable comparators
	movwf	CM1CON0			; disable comparator
	movlw	B'00000000'		; Not necessary?
	movwf	CM2CON0			; disable 2nd comparator
	movlw	B'00000000'		; Not necessary?
	movwf	CM2CON1			; disable 3rd comparator
	bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> Bank 1 ( need it to came back from bank2)
	movlw	B'00001000'		; RA0,RA1,RA2,RA4,RA5,RA6 and RA7 output - RA3 input
	movwf	TRISA			; Set it
	movlw	B'00000000'		; All PORTB output
	movwf	TRISB			; Set it
	movlw	B'10000010'		; RC0,RC2,RC3,RC4,RC5,RC6 output - RC1 and RC7 inputs
	movwf	TRISC			; Set it
	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 (removed the bcf STATUS,RP1)
	bcf		SSPCON,SSPEN	; Disable Synchronous Serial Port
    bsf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 1 goto Bank 1
    bcf		OPTION_REG,NOT_RABPU ; Activate pull-up resistors - Clear RABPU flag
    movlw	B'00110100'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUA			; Enable RA2, RA4 and RA5 pull-up internal resistors
    bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0 -> Bank 2
	bsf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 1 -> "   " (Again, I need it to go to bank2)
    movlw	B'11110000'		; 1 = enable pull-up - 0 disable it.
    movwf	WPUB			; Enable RB4, RB5, RB6 and RB7 pull-up internal resistors
	bcf		STATUS,RP0		; RP0 = 0
	bcf		STATUS,RP1		; RP1 = 0 -> Back to Bank 0 (Again, I need it to came back from bank2)
Is this good?
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