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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Jet stream activity causing weather pattern shifts and stalls.

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I was reading about this on another site and thought some of you may find it interesting to know whats behind this years good and bad weather activities in much of the world and how the jet stream movements push and pull our annual weather events around. :eek:

Frozen jet stream leads to flood, fire and famine - environment - 10 August 2010 - New Scientist

Where I live it has been raining more than most summers but the overall effects have been very positive here. A record breaking year for hay making for my family and warmer more normal summer heat for a change. ;)
I was reading this very article earlier today - here in Scotland we had an unusually hot start to the summer however it has been raining fairly constant for the past month. The article explains that the jet stream put an end to our small episode of hot summer.

I find it extremely interesting that the jet stream is responsible.
Most people don't even know about the jet streams except brief mentions of it on weather reports. Other things that aren't mentioned much except when there's an el nino or la nina occuring are ocean currents and temperatures. Earths weather patterns are impossibly complex. It's a lot of complex systems complexly interacting, I'm surprised they can predict weather as well as they can now days, even then they are frequently wrong, and never precise.
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