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DMX PIC16F84 Printerport Dongle

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New Member
Hey guys\gals,

I'm kinda new in electronics, but trying to build this little project i found on the web:

I have found all the parts, except one, which I don't really understand what it is..

u can see the schematic here:

u see the 4MHz between pin 15 and 16? i know it some kind of buzzer, but I haven't found it yet.. can someone please give me the exact name of it? does the circuit really need it? seems kinda useless to me.

thanks in advance.
Kitt0s said:
u see the 4MHz between pin 15 and 16? i know it some kind of buzzer, but I haven't found it yet.. can someone please give me the exact name of it? does the circuit really need it? seems kinda useless to me.

It's a crystal, and the circuit won't work without it - it's ABSOLUTELY VITAL, and a perfectly normal part of most microcontroller circuits.
OK i'v got another question.

assuming I build this circuit..
I have this part: DLP-USB245M-G (from FTDI) its a USB to FIFO Parallel Interface Module.. (datasheet can be found **broken link removed** )

and i was wondering how to wire up the the pins..

i know how to wirte D0 till D7, but what about the other 2 (pins 14 and 1)

**broken link removed**

CLOCK and START pins.. goes to the Strobe pin1 and the AutoFeed pin14.. but where do they go to on the FIFO?
its USB to Parallel.. gave the wrong img..

**broken link removed**

trying to make that circuit to work with the DLP-USB245M Interface.. so I can connect the circuit through USB and not the pinterport.
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Do you realise that the 16F84 is a PIC µController, and has to be programmed to work...not just purchased. This requires extra software and hardware (not cheap compared to your end project) just to make it usable. Perhaps someone here would be willing to do it for you. Or, if you want to get into the "wonderful world of PICs" you could spend the money, and do it yourself. :)

well Ken, I do know that :]
although I know very little about PICs, i still know they need to be programmed.

going to use the JDM programmer. (**broken link removed**)
it seems easy to build.. parts are kinda cheap.. so i see no problems.. tho didn't realize which software to use in order to program the chip.

tomorrow I am going out to buy all the parts..
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Kitt0s said:
trying to make that circuit to work with the DLP-USB245M Interface.. so I can connect the circuit through USB and not the pinterport.

Like I said, it's not that type of interface, you can easily (and cheaply) buy USB to parallel interfaces, but there's no guarantee it would work anyway?.
Kitt0s said:
well, seems odd to me .. :|

this schematics use that interface:
just thought I could implant the interface in the circuit I was building...

i wanted to build the usbdmx dongle, problem is i can't find all the parts.. :|

Notice that that circuit doesn't use a parallel port connection, it uses the USB chip, a large PIC, and a third chip as well - if you want to build that, then see about sourcing the parts.
ok good news,

I have found another circuit that uses a FTDI chip and a EEPROM..

problem is its kinda different then what i'v got (i'v got a complete Interface, and it uses only the chip.)

here it is:

I have emailed the builder and asked him if he could convert the schematics to fit the FTDI's DLP-USB245M interface, and I hope i'l get a straight answer :]

if anyone here has any clue about what I am talking about, and can make this conversion (which i think shouldn't be hard) please tell me!

on second thought, it might be hard.. since the FT245BL (the one in my interface) uses FIFO, and the one in the circuit uses UART :|

good thing is now i found a FT232RL chip, that also uses UART.. maybe it can work ..
bad thing is i don't have use for the interface now lol..
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Just build the thing as is demonstrated on the schematic.
Then buy a separate USB to Parallel converter, they are AUS$19 retail which means they would be extremely cheap on ebay...

Edit: I have found **broken link removed** for you. Any similar one will work.
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