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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

clean up storage

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how do i clean up my attachment space?
how much allowed?
i want to upload a schematic...
I recently asked about that in another thread. The way I have it figured is you can't. You can edit post that are less than two weeks old and remove attached files from threads but that isn't encouraged. Now as to clearing out that attachment space, my understanding is that you can't. I have no clue what the ceiling or limit is but there isn't a way to clean the uploaded files out. That is pretty much what I was told anyway.

I don't know what the upper limit on attachment space is. It's certainly seems more than enough for most people.

I've been a member here for four years and have just over 600 attachments which come to 100MB in total.

I try to keep them as small as possible by using 8-bit or lower colour depth for PNG schematics and avoid posting huge files.

If you run our of space then use an external site (e.g. TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting) for hosting and contact the administrator, ElecrtoMaster.

Don't worry, ss you only have 66 posts, there's no way you're run out of space.
I should certainly hope you CAN'T 'clear up' the storage space, as deleting files will trash the threads.

Unless it's been altered in recent updates, you have unlimited space for uploads, so no need (or reason) to delete them.
Thank you again Nigel for clarification and I agree things would look ugly in older post with images removed. Additionally I figure if Hero999 can't break the bank then the bank can't be broken. :)

I had that problem last year.

Upload space was limited to I don't know how many MB. I then had to remove attachments to be able to post new ones. (Average file size was about 10KB.)

Available space seems to have been increased by the site owner this year. I didn't have any problems attaching new pictures.

Well, it seems that I have gone over my 2MB limit, yes, 2MB!

Unable to upload anything...

As I said above, send ElectroMaster a PM and use tinypic for now.
Thanx, but I'm out of time.
I really don't know what I should say to this! :(

I offered promoting to the site to the owner (Electro Master) on another than the usual way (bank problems) but never received a response message, neither via PM nor by posting.

There are, as usual, two ways of interpretation:

1. The site owner has money enough to keep up the forum by own expenses. :)
2. The site owner doesn't care for the "peanuts" brought in by members. :mad:

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