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All so serious...

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Well-Known Member
Some people seem to take life much too serious. Sure there are things that are important like paying rent, or mortgage, but in the overall scheme of things a lot of stuff is funny and deserves a chuckle or two. We only have 70 to 80 years on this blue marble; a simple breath in the respiration of this planet, so make as much energy in that breath as you can.

If you are a believer of God, then surely you must realize the almighty has a sense of humor, after all think back or just look at all the stupid things people do.

Laughing is good for people; it releases hormones in our body that help in many of our body processes such as, heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion of food. A person’s overall health can improve with an occasional chuckle. So why not throw out that lol once in awhile?

There are enough things to be sad about, so smile and laugh when you can...

hi Mike,

Japanese research has also shown that when we are happy and relaxed our brain sends signals to the face muscles and so we smile.

What the research has shown is that if we force a smile, in times of stress, the muscles send feedback to the brain, which in turn creates a feeling of well being and reduces the feeling of stress...

Life is a game we all play, the problem is we there is no rule book on how the game should be played.

BTW: does that age limit of 80 years apply to me.:eek:
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BTW: does that age limit of 80 years apply to me.:eek:

Average... Average... I am so glad I am wrong on this one, and I hope you defy the stats for many more years. After all you still have a book to write. :)
Average... Average... I am so glad I am wrong on this one, and I hope you defy the stats for many more years. After all you still have a book to write. :)

A few years ago the IERE did a survery of members, the average age of their demise was 47 years.!!

Engineering can be stressful if dont have the hide of a bull elephant.
It is a very stressful job, deadlines and such
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I could relate many stories of people who loose their life partner and a few months later they also die. The secret to long and happy life is to enjoy yourself and have people that care about you. Laughter is a good indicator because having people to laugh with is having people to share with. Cherish your friends and family as they are your best medicine.

Hi Mike.

I'll go with that 100%.:)
I could relate many stories of people who loose their life partner and a few months later they also die. The secret to long and happy life is to enjoy yourself and have people that care about you. Laughter is a good indicator because having people to laugh with is having people to share with. Cherish your friends and family as they are your best medicine.


I agree, I think this is a good reason to produce offspring, they help us with going on to enjoy what they do in their life. And we can also laugh as our offspring suffer with their children doing stupid things, We sit back and chuckle.

I don't know if I worded that right. In other words, we have kids that put us through hell, and in turn we curse our children to have kids just like they are, and do the same stuff, then they understand when they grow up.
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The only downside in growing old is the dread you may outlive your children.

My 22 offspring keep me busy.!
My 22 offspring keep me busy.!

Wow! So a few great-grandchildren in there? Congratulations.

I wonder if part of the secret to a happy life is learning new things, new hobbies. Keep your mind sharp. I would hardly qualify but starting PIC programming in my late thirties. Yesterday I helped a 61 year old pass his yellow belt test in Kempo karate, you are never too old to start something.
Average... Average... I am so glad I am wrong on this one, and I hope you defy the stats for many more years. After all you still have a book to write. :)

There are people in the world who prefer to go to the cellar to smile (smiling secretly), and there are a lot who smile when I release my daily **** - of which I have a lot. :D

I was about writing a book about my 23 years in the GAF. When 540 pages were finished I had the so called super GAU with my PC and all data were lost, even the backup drives' data.

Now I don't bother anymore writing a book.

Smiling every now and then keeps your mind upright, smiling often (or laughing) lights up your partner's life. :)

I wonder if part of the secret to a happy life is learning new things, new hobbies. Keep your mind sharp.

My guess would be that this is part of what is required for a long and happy life. An active and inquisitive mind and a happy family/social life is (imho) the key to a long and happy life.

edit, anecdote removed to brighten up this thread.

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Mikebits. A joy to have your comments and threads.

I will agree humor is the one thing that gives life meaning for me. Sometimes it's fun to have more Monkey business and less lead. We need the constant spark in life which can be often to dismal. Finding the brighter side is the only way for me.

Thank you, Mike.
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If you are a believer of God, then surely you must realize the almighty has a sense of humor, after all think back or just look at all the stupid things people do.:)
Most definitely, God has a sense of humor --- just look at how many times we humans could've used a third hand/arm to better accomplish a task. Yep, He sits back and chuckles when we drop groceries while juggling the car keys.
Sorry to hear about the Auslegungsstörfall. Don't let it stop you. Everyone loses stuff. You can write it again, make an outline based on what you remember, fill in the details, you will remember the things you typed.

Also, if you have anything written that's as old now as those things were when you lost them, go back and re-read them. This will soothe the loss because it will remind you of what an idiot you were when you wrote them.
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This will soothe the loss because it will remind you of what an idiot you were when you wrote them.

Hi duffy,

I guess it ain't quite as easy as you imagine. Grabbing single "happenings" off the drawer you put them in decades ago to enable you writing a good book of your life doesn't necessarily mean that I'm an idiot. (An idiot is a layman by the way).

If you pay attention to the seriousity your work demands and also pay attention to a harmonic family life you will see the threat will probably be beyond your abilities.

I suggest to get grown up first before mentioning things like "what an idiot you were when you wrote them."

Real and fulfilled life is having a happy family, a well payed job to support your kids going to university, and last not least, always have a smile on your lips for your wife, your neighbor and any person you have to deal with.

That's about it. Full stop!

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We're greedy anyways - if we had three hands, we'd just ask for a fourth. :p
How about a set of eyes in the back of our head? Then again, maybe that's not such a good idea, considering those times when I'm waiting in line while having a thoughtless stranger breathing down my neck, obliviously breaching my personal space!
Just think what it'd be like if we had eyes in back of our head while in a crowded elevator!!!:eek:
I mean that your writing style changes, Boncuk, your opinions change. I look back on things I wrote years ago and feel like an idiot for writing them. I think most people do.

Most importantly: If you HAVEN'T changed your opinion about anything in years, check your pulse - you may be dead!
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