Wrtite number on a LCD

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I have made a project with a pic16f84 there i have a variable called TEMP and it can be 0 to 100 (it is a temperature). If the variable for example is 74, is it possible to split the numbers to 7 and 4 or how can i do to show the temperature on the LCD-Display??? I have made the program in CC5X C-Compiler
Its kind of a cheat but if your using a byte to hold your variable you could do this.

variable var byte
temp var byte
lsd_digit var byte
msd_digit var byte

temp = variable
if temp > 10 then
msd_digit = msd_digit + 1
temp = temp - 10
goto seperate
if temp > 0 then
lsd_digit = lsd_digit + 1
temp = temp - 1
goto sperate

Just remember to set lsd and msd to 0 before testing for them by calling the seperate function, Id call it as a gosub so execution continues from where it's called from. Msd will contain the variables multiple of 10(example 9 = 90) and lsd the variables 0-9 component.
char Hund, Tens, Ones;

     Hund = 0;
     Tens = 0;
     Ones = 0;     //Reset our variables

     if (Temp == 100)    //if it is 100 then ...
          Hund++;        //increase Hund to 1
          {              //and end... or, if it wasn't 100 then...
              while (Temp > 9)          //keep looping as long as Temp is bigger then 9
                     Temp = Temp - 10;  //subtract 10 from temp ...
                     Tens++;            //and add one to Tens
              Ones = Temp;  //when done the 'ones' remain in temp.

The contents of Temp are destroyed by this code...
Code like this is better then using multiplations and divisions because a pic is much better at simply adding and subtracting
it only works up too 100 like you said, bigger values will output incorrect results
Aye that's why I used variable as the main holder and temp is well a temporary storage. Temp will always be 0 at the end of a call to seperate

Nice code though, much more optimized then what I posted. Also I should have assigned the value to temp outside of the seperation loop, as it is atm any value over 10 will be stuck in a continous loop since temp is assigned on each call.
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