Which simulation s/w has this.

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New Member
for my college project .. i have finished a hardware model.
the requirement is to simulate it..
i have tried :
pspice student version.
NI multism

but none of them have all the parts which i require.

so can anyone help me where i can find all these>
1 Resistors, capacitor, inductors, Vdc
D1N4148 ,D1N4744 ,MUR420,1N4740A AND last SG1843

i have found s/w which have components partially.. but not all of them.

please help me.. i just have a week left..
I checked for those parts and I have them all in Orcad Ver 9.1. Obviously my computer won't help you, but if you check around campus, with your Prof's and TA's they might be able to help you locate a copy of Orcad Version 9 forward on a computer available to students. Or you could look for a member of the IEEE who might download the PSpice/Spice files from their archives to use in one of the sims you listed above. That is the only place I've found so far that has the PWM model. Not good odds for you with your timeline shrinking, I know.

Good Luck!
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