Where to buy?

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I'm not familiar with GCBASIC, so you'd have to check to see if it supports the F819. The first line (#chip) would change for sure. The 2nd, you shouldn't have to because the F819 also supports those options and is pin compatable with the F628. The rest should remain the same.

Okay, thank you very much. GCBASIC's website (http://gcbasic.sourceforge.net/) states:

"It compiles for most 10/12/16 series PIC controllers"
So hopefully it won't be a problem. Once again thank you for your help... I guess for now I shall get these.

Do not get the 16F819 if you want to use it to replace 16F628A. F819 does not have comparator on it which some projects using 16F628A might use.

Get the 16F88 instead.
eblc1388 said:
Do not get the 16F819 if you want to use it to replace 16F628A. F819 does not have comparator on it which some projects using 16F628A might use.

It's VERY rare to use the comparators, so for 99.9x% of cases it will be fine, but obviously check the code to see what it uses.
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