What MP3 codecs are available?

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New Member
Here's the plan.
Use a small processor board containing a PIC32 with a WiFi connection. Add some hardware - either a dedicated chip or a small board - that will take the data stream from an uploaded MP3 files as input and produce mono/speech quality sound as an output. And also process speech down into an MP3 data stream that can be downloaded as an MP3 file. Sound quality doesn't have to be great.

I've looked at some modules that sounded promising (Olimex makes a few) but on inspection all they appear to do is control the playback and recording of MP3 files on a local SD card. There doesn't appear to be a way to get the data on or off the board.

Has anyone done something like this, using retail parts. There seem to be a few MP3 decoder chips around like the VS1053, but they fall short when it comes to encoding audio to MP3.
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