What is the different between INTCON2 =0b0000.0000; and INTCON2 =0b00000000;?

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New Member
I see this code in a program (not mine) :
INTCON2 =0b0000.0000;
I know that INTCON2 stands for “INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTER 2” and here we are setting the registers 8 bits. But what is the different between INTCON2 =0b0000.0000; and INTCON2 =0b00000000;? Dose INTCON2 =0; means the same but in decimal.

Tanks in advance
I've never seen / used 0b0000.0000 I use hex to initialise reg's... But if its a valid statement!!! 0b00000000 = 0b0000.0000 = 0x00 = 0..
3v0! your link to pic 18 tutorials takes me to my google mailbox
dunno if you are still having problems, but 3v0's link is working for me.
Jalv2 uses this 0b0000.0000 so does some of the pascal compilers

Lower nibble and upper nibble 0b0000.0000
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