What is a RD-88F5182-NAS?

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New Member
I have researched to try to figure out what this thing does but I haven't found out anything besides the fact that it is a reference board. Any other info???

Any single device with a 522 page user manual is, frankly, useful for nothing more than making me feel utterly dated...

Obviously a machine full of magic smoke under significant pressure.

BTW, Welcome to ETO, indy_!
522 pages is not that bad. It gets worse when you find out that a lot of stuff doesn´t work as described, because the guy writing the datasheet was using copy paste way too much and the implementation is slightly different. Stuff like references to pins that don´t even exist, default values not being set like they should, and some functions not working at all. Just minor stuff in an overall fine system, but still it takes a lot of time to figure out. This is my experience with a completely different chip, but the manufacturer remains the same.
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