voice alteration

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*peeks in* Hi I have a question. Does anyone know of a device that is not expensive but can be worn under a halloween costume that alters the voice? Battery operated of course.
i dunno wher ur from, but theres this place called party city in california and they got a bunch of costumes n stuff like that, but im sure that they'd have somethin along those lines. think ive seen one at radioshack also. the thing is, you have to hold it up to your mouth and speak into it.

thank you for giving me someplace to start looking. I was totally clueless.

Well not totally clueless I'm a strawberry blonde that means I have half a clue hehe. copyright coffindancersbabygirl 2004
Hi Baby girl,
I saw voice-changers last week at my local drugstore. 7 bucks. They had a "try me" button, but I didn't bother because at that price the quality won't be there. It will probably cost a big part of 7 bucks to replace the batteries that everyone has worn out.

BTW, what does "strawberry" have to do with being blonde? Is your hair stiff like hay?
"Dumb" blondes can't speak. The rest can't be stopped!
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