Verilog HDL, CPLD UART Design!

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I'm starting to work with CPLDs and I'm interested in designing a UART to communicate with hypertterminal. I'm new to this and have started to do a few things, but I'm having difficulty.

I have the CoolRunner-II starter Kit and the PmodRS232 Converter Module Board

I've already done some little projects with this kit, like turning on LEDs and stuff, but I want some ideas on how to perform communication. I want to get started by turning on an LED on the board and displaying in hyper terminal if the LED is on or off.

I've attached a file with the code that I've been trying to work.
If anyone can give me a hand or point me in the right direction I'll appreciate it.


  • uart_verilog.txt
    17.5 KB · Views: 298
I did some changes to the verilog program. I found another uart core that I'm trying to use to communicate with hyper terminal. At the moment all I want to do is send a "hello world" string to the computer via the RS232. I've created the top module, but I'm stuck how to really use it to accomplish what I want to do. Below are the code for the two files, any help will be greatly appreciated it.

module mainMod(
    CLK, // The master clock for this module
    RxD, // Incoming serial line
    TxD, // Outgoing serial line
    Transmit, // Signal to transmit (strobe)
    Received, // Indicated that a byte has been received.
    RxD_DATA, // Byte received
	 TxD_DATA, // Byte to transmit
    is_TxD // Low when transmit line is idle.
	input  CLK; // The master clock for this module
   input RxD; // Outgoing serial line
	output  TxD; // Incoming serial line
   input  Transmit; // Signal to transmit
   output Received; // Indicated that a byte has been received.
	output [7:0] RxD_DATA;
	input [7:0] TxD_DATA;
   output is_TxD; // Low when transmit line is idle.
uart U1 (CLK, 

module uart(
    input clk, // The master clock for this module
    input rst, // Synchronous reset.
    input rx, // Incoming serial line
    output tx, // Outgoing serial line
    input transmit, // Signal to transmit
    input [7:0] tx_byte, // Byte to transmit
    output received, // Indicated that a byte has been received.
    output [7:0] rx_byte, // Byte received
    output is_receiving, // Low when receive line is idle.
    output is_transmitting, // Low when transmit line is idle.
    output recv_error // Indicates error in receiving packet.

parameter CLOCK_DIVIDE = 13; // clock rate (1Mhz) / (baud rate (19200) * 4)

// States for the receiving state machine.
// These are just constants, not parameters to override.
parameter RX_IDLE = 0;
parameter RX_CHECK_START = 1;
parameter RX_READ_BITS = 2;
parameter RX_CHECK_STOP = 3;
parameter RX_DELAY_RESTART = 4;
parameter RX_ERROR = 5;
parameter RX_RECEIVED = 6;

// States for the transmitting state machine.
// Constants - do not override.
parameter TX_IDLE = 0;
parameter TX_SENDING = 1;
parameter TX_DELAY_RESTART = 2;

reg [10:0] rx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE;
reg [10:0] tx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE;

reg [2:0] recv_state = RX_IDLE;
reg [5:0] rx_countdown;
reg [3:0] rx_bits_remaining;
reg [7:0] rx_data;

reg tx_out = 1'b1;
reg [1:0] tx_state = TX_IDLE;
reg [5:0] tx_countdown;
reg [3:0] tx_bits_remaining;
reg [7:0] tx_data;

assign received = recv_state == RX_RECEIVED;
assign recv_error = recv_state == RX_ERROR;
assign is_receiving = recv_state != RX_IDLE;
assign rx_byte = rx_data;

assign tx = tx_out;
assign is_transmitting = tx_state != TX_IDLE;

always @(posedge clk) begin
	if (rst) begin
		recv_state = RX_IDLE;
		tx_state = TX_IDLE;
	// The clk_divider counter counts down from
	// the CLOCK_DIVIDE constant. Whenever it
	// reaches 0, 1/16 of the bit period has elapsed.
   // Countdown timers for the receiving and transmitting
	// state machines are decremented.
	rx_clk_divider = rx_clk_divider - 1;
	if (!rx_clk_divider) begin
		rx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE;
		rx_countdown = rx_countdown - 1;
	tx_clk_divider = tx_clk_divider - 1;
	if (!tx_clk_divider) begin
		tx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE;
		tx_countdown = tx_countdown - 1;
	// Receive state machine
	case (recv_state)
		RX_IDLE: begin
			// A low pulse on the receive line indicates the
			// start of data.
			if (!rx) begin
				// Wait half the period - should resume in the
				// middle of this first pulse.
				rx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE;
				rx_countdown = 2;
				recv_state = RX_CHECK_START;
			if (!rx_countdown) begin
				// Check the pulse is still there
				if (!rx) begin
					// Pulse still there - good
					// Wait the bit period to resume half-way
					// through the first bit.
					rx_countdown = 4;
					rx_bits_remaining = 8;
					recv_state = RX_READ_BITS;
				end else begin
					// Pulse lasted less than half the period -
					// not a valid transmission.
					recv_state = RX_ERROR;
		RX_READ_BITS: begin
			if (!rx_countdown) begin
				// Should be half-way through a bit pulse here.
				// Read this bit in, wait for the next if we
				// have more to get.
				rx_data = {rx, rx_data[7:1]};
				rx_countdown = 4;
				rx_bits_remaining = rx_bits_remaining - 1;
				recv_state = rx_bits_remaining ? RX_READ_BITS : RX_CHECK_STOP;
		RX_CHECK_STOP: begin
			if (!rx_countdown) begin
				// Should resume half-way through the stop bit
				// This should be high - if not, reject the
				// transmission and signal an error.
				recv_state = rx ? RX_RECEIVED : RX_ERROR;
			// Waits a set number of cycles before accepting
			// another transmission.
			recv_state = rx_countdown ? RX_DELAY_RESTART : RX_IDLE;
		RX_ERROR: begin
			// There was an error receiving.
			// Raises the recv_error flag for one clock
			// cycle while in this state and then waits
			// 2 bit periods before accepting another
			// transmission.
			rx_countdown = 8;
			recv_state = RX_DELAY_RESTART;
		RX_RECEIVED: begin
			// Successfully received a byte.
			// Raises the received flag for one clock
			// cycle while in this state.
			recv_state = RX_IDLE;
	// Transmit state machine
	case (tx_state)
		TX_IDLE: begin
			if (transmit) begin
				// If the transmit flag is raised in the idle
				// state, start transmitting the current content
				// of the tx_byte input.
				tx_data = tx_byte;
				// Send the initial, low pulse of 1 bit period
				// to signal the start, followed by the data
				tx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE;
				tx_countdown = 4;
				tx_out = 0;
				tx_bits_remaining = 8;
				tx_state = TX_SENDING;
		TX_SENDING: begin
			if (!tx_countdown) begin
				if (tx_bits_remaining) begin
					tx_bits_remaining = tx_bits_remaining - 1;
					tx_out = tx_data[0];
					tx_data = {1'b0, tx_data[7:1]};
					tx_countdown = 4;
					tx_state = TX_SENDING;
				end else begin
					// Set delay to send out 2 stop bits.
					tx_out = 1;
					tx_countdown = 8;
					tx_state = TX_DELAY_RESTART;
			// Wait until tx_countdown reaches the end before
			// we send another transmission. This covers the
			// "stop bit" delay.
			tx_state = tx_countdown ? TX_DELAY_RESTART : TX_IDLE;


// Documented Verilog UART
// Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Goddard (
// Distributed under the MIT licence.
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