value multiplied 256

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By changing the 'bit counter' value to 40 from 32 you are trying process 5 bytes, but you only have 4 bytes to work with, so you are overflowing the conversion and so you are 'losing' the MSD ie: the "1".
This is a fragment of the code I used to test the Bin2BCD/Disp, it works using the method stated in earlier posts.

;this is test data to check out the Bin2BCD and DispFreq Subr

;enter with a predivided value 100MHZ by 256 = 390.625
;the 0.625 is 'lost' so the final displayed value is 99,840

	movlw 0x86; load the reg with 390.625 == 100,000/256
	movwf Result+3
	movlw 0x1
	movwf Result+2
	movlw 0x0
	movwf Result+1
	movlw 0x0
	movwf Result

;reposition the reg values == 390 * 256 
	movf Result+2,w
	movwf Result+1	;
	movf Result+3,w
	movwf Result+2
	movlw 0x0
	movwf Result+3

	call Bin2BCD
	call DispFreq; displayed value 99,840
lp1: goto lp1

 goto start
ericgibbs said:
By changing the 'bit counter' value to 40 from 32 you are trying process 5 bytes, but you only have 4 bytes to work with, so you are overflowing the conversion and so you are 'losing' the MSD ie: the "1".
Finally i got the code to work right.
I change the 'bit counter' value to 40 from 32 and i add one byte BCD4.
Thank all for the help.
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