Using bits from multiple ports as a byte in C

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Active Member
Hi I need to define a byte as (for example):

The first bits need to be PORTE<5:1>
Then followed by PORTD<3:2>
Then followed by PORTE<8>

I need to give it a name as a variable so I can address it as

BYTE = 0xAA.

I hope the description isn't too vague I don't know the terminology yet

Thanks in advance
The easiest way is to make it a function,
void WritePort(unsigned char dat){
    porte &= 0b01000001;
    porte |= ((dat & 0b11111000)>>2)|((dat & 1)<<7);
    portd &= 0b11110011;
    portd |= (dat & 0b00000110)<<1;
And then you can just do WritePort(0x55);

Whoa, just realized you name the bits 1-8 and not the conventional 0-7. The above will need slight adjustment if the 8 wasn't a typo.

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Yeh wasn't a typo, I need PORTE<0> for something else. It is on a 16 bit PIC.

Sweet though, I can get it from there. Wasn't sure if there was a better way to do it though.

Thanks !
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In that case do it all in 16 bit,
void WritePort(unsigned int dat){
    porte &= 0xfec1;
    porte |= ((dat & 0x00f8)>>2)|(dat & 1)<<8;
    portd &= 0xfff3;
    portd |= (dat & 0x0006)<<1;
Can't be doing with 16 bit binary so switched to hex.

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