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Use each bit of 24C16?!

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New Member
I want to be able to address each bit in a 24C16.

I am using PicBasic Plus 2.1.

Usually i use these 3 subs:

GoSub GetPos
BUSOUT control_byte, address_low, [Utdata]
pause 10

GoSub GetPos
busin control_byte,address_low,[Indata]
pause 10

control_byte = $A0 + (MemPos.highbyte << 1)
address_low = MemPos.lowbyte

But now i want to be able to access each bit, one and one. Is that possible?
Think i came up with the answer myself. Guess i have to use byte-size, right?

And put 8 bits into each byte, right?
Yes thats correct. The bits in 24Cxx EEPROMs are arranged in group of 8-bits. So whatever operation you do is in terms of bytes and not bits.
brodin said:
Think i came up with the answer myself. Guess i have to use byte-size, right?

And put 8 bits into each byte, right?

Yes, but it's easy to do bit wise reads and writes, simply read the entire byte - to write, manipulate the bit you want, and write the updated byte back - to read, simply test the bit you want.
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