usb interfacing using PIC 16f877a

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New Member
Now, I am trying to control some softwares using PIC 16F877a via USB port. But, now, I have problem. I cann't send any data to pc. How can I send the data to pc?
If you have any idea, please reply me,
Thank for reading my post.
A 16F877 doesn't have a USB port, but you could transfer it out as serial data and feed it through an RS232/USB converter.

If you want native USB, look at various of the 18F series.
Thank a lot for your reply,
Now, I have already test to control the software using PIC16f877a via PS2 port. So, I have thought that may be Ok. If so, I am not clear what you mean. I need to change the controller or not. Let me know about that if possible.
Thank you
What's a PS2 port got to do with it?, a PS2 port isn't USB, it's a type of syncronous serial used for mice and keyboards.

If you want USB, you need to change the processor to an 18F series that supports it.
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