uart receive problems

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contacted manufacturer. default baud9600, one stop bit, no parity... which is what i was using. Will try and look with scope, but might take a while to get one to use...
contacted manufacturer. default baud9600, one stop bit, no parity... which is what i was using. Will try and look with scope, but might take a while to get one to use...

hi Rob,

If you connect a MAX232 to the Compass output you will be able to use a PC to communicate with the Compass.

That is a pretty common problem, getting a 0x00 on startup with a framing error, it means something is holding that pin low at startup.

Try putting a delay in your startup code where you set the pin directions, then the delay (this lets the pin voltages settle etc), THEN initialise the UART.

I'm not sure why you get the same problem "after a couple of reads" but I would definitely look at the problem happening at startup first, that might lead to solving the second problem.
It's alive! My first microcontroller interface!

Thanks guys. I ended up relaying everything from compass on UART1 to hyperterminal via UART0 and its max232. Wasnt getting any readings, and checked connections again... I think they have mis-labelled the rx/tx pins on the compass module, because it works now having swapped the lines - so now they are not crossed-over (rx-rx and tx-tx). Then again, I have been known to get things wrong when it comes to connecting things on the opposite side of a board to the drawing, when a 50/50 chance will get it wrong...

Some output:
Next Reading
Next Reading
Next Reading
Next Reading

(Mike, my getChar() routine sent the received char to the hyperterminal, so thats why the $ appears in above readings)

The 109, 110, and 106 are heading degrees

Wow, this site and you guys are awesome. Standby for more problems from me.
I am pretty new myself. I havent used a software uart. Maybe someone else here can help you out.
sir robmitch,
can u post ur code on receiving data from the compass?, im also dealing with the same problem about the electronic compass. can i become ur apprentice?!!
Sorry for the delay. Here is some code (not very good) that I use to get the compass heading from the byte stream

unsigned char cReceived=0;

// Then, whilst in the main loop, poll for uart receive
if(U1STAT0 & 0x80) // There is receive data available
cCompassByte = U1RXD;// Get received byte
CompassReceive(cCompassByte); // Do something with character received

// Here, I want to
void CompassReceive(unsigned char ch)
// Look for $ - frame started
cReceived = 1;

c2 = ch;
else if(cReceived==3)
c3 = ch;
else if(cReceived==4) // This will be hundreds
cHeading[0] = ch;
else if(cReceived==5) // This will be tens
cHeading[1] = ch;
else if(cReceived==6) // This will be the units
cHeading[2] = ch;
nHeading = atoi(&cHeading[0]); //convert to integer
else if(cReceived==7)
c7 = ch;
else if(cReceived==8)
c8 = ch;
else if(cReceived==9)
c9 = ch;
else if(cReceived==10)
c10 = ch;
else if(cReceived==11)
c11 = ch;
cReceived = 0;
else {}

ahm,sir rob,
i think u havent included the initiallization?can you share sir the whole code.
thanks for the sample code!
if(ch) ======>>>>>sir rob,what is our condition here?
c2 = ch;
else if(cReceived==3)
c3 = ch;
else if(cReceived==4) // This will be hundreds
cHeading[0] = ch;
else if(cReceived==5) // This will be tens
cHeading[1] = ch;
else if(cReceived==6) // This will be the units
You will have to look up your mcu manual for setting up/initiallising uart with whatever baud rate etc that your compass module has. Other than that, simple wire the compass tx/rx pins to the mcu tx/rx pins, but not necessarily in that order.

if(ch) tests if ch != 0x00 (I put this in since the uart initially sends a 0x00 on startup)

You will be able to make the code much better than this - I was just trying to spell things out.
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