Tring to build an infrared remote control...need help

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New Member
I am doing a project for school where I am trying to control my PC via remote through the serial port. I have already build the receiver and tested it using a universal remote....but now I am trying to actually build a remote.

The receiver using a TSOP1738 chip, at 38kHz. It accepts all major codes such as RC5. Does anyone have a circuit diagram or schematic for building a remote control that acts like a universal remote. Basically, I need a remote control that will send data at 38kHz, and preferably using the RC5 code.

It would also be great if I didn't have to program a microcontroller since I have no knowledge. A preprogrammed one would be best.

Any help would be great...feel free to email me as well at


Philips (the inventors of RC5) used to sell a preprogrammed chip for RC5 remote controls - but as far as I'm aware, it's no longer available.

But RC5 remotes (not OFA's) are freely available at low cost, I see no point in building one when you can simply buy one so cheaply. Assuming you have to build one (as it's a school project), simply buy a remote and take the chip out. But it seems such a waste of time, taking a perfectly good remote to pieces to build another one!.
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