Tricky Triacs

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New Member
Hello all. New here. I was wondering with all you knowledgable folk here if anyone could please guide me in the right direction.

I have a delonghi coffee machine with, yet again, a failed triac BTA24-600BW which means also a spent thermal fuse.

I have read that this triac BTA24-600BW component is listed as officially discontinued but there is a BTA24-600BWRG available which seems to be a replacement? Would anyone know if this is true?

Also for example, going off the way failed electrolytic caps can be replaced with the same uf but higher voltage rating, is this the same for triacs? ie using a BTA25-600BW or BTA26-600BW for greater amperage handling, or even BTA25-800BW etc.

Any help greatly appreciated, I am by no means experienced in triacs and have crossed into this territory Purley due to my infernal coffee machine needing one again, and I want to reduce the chance of another failure without creating a catastrophe by using something not suitable.

Thank you for your time reading this request, all the best.
Generally you can put a triac with a larger voltage or current rating (or both).

Larger triacs may take more gate drive to trigger, but you would most likely be OK if the voltage and current rating aren't much larger than the original.
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