Traffic counter DIY. Need something very quick and easy

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We have a serious issue with traffic in a location and I need to log the data to build a case against my city. I need a quick/easy way log traffic. Problem is only thing I can think of would take time and expense to build. I am just looking for a stupid simple way to do this other than sit a count.

Analog is fine, nothing fancy. I was thinking of a tube across the road to capture the pressure rise but that might read false if not hit square. Also, a prox or IR sensor from a GDO but will require a circuit for that.

Ideas? Gotta be some stupid simple I am not thinking of.
You have not given your location.

Is the location a side street , main road, two way traffic etc, need more details.

How long do you want to log the data for, 24/7/365 .??
Are you sure you have the legal right to put a pneumatic tube across the highway?

Results from anything you build yourself may not be admissible in court, particularly if you are not an expert at such things and do not adequately validate it before use. If you are intent on that approach, rent a certified unit.

As an alternative, I suggest having a group of residents approach the city. If you are the only one it bothers, you will have a hard, uphill battle. Again, the absence of your location is problematic. In my community, we had a similar problem with speeding. It happens that a police officer who works in another district also lives in the community. Working behind the scenes (officer to officer) he got speed monitoring put up -- not a camera, just one of those units that displays your speed. That was helpful.

In other words, cities have a lot of your money to fight against your "case," and if they need more, they will just ask you for it. The best approach is usually to use a little honey plus getting others to join you. It's called "local politics."

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A simplest way is put a camera on the junction you want to measure, and record an entire period in question, then replay the video at home and count vehicles passing through it. The counting can be done in software to save you the labor, but you have to know how the writ such a script. Recording the vehicles also gives you more evidence than using a counter because you have a log of each vehicle passing through, if you position it so all the license plates can be seen, its even more evidence.
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