Toggling between two USB to Serial chipsets

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I have some older 5V Arduino Pro Mini 328 (the ones with only the serial-port header, no USB, require the external USB FTDI Breakout with the FTDI chipset that originally came from Sparkfun)). Those worked out of the box with the default FTDI-serial-USB driver that auto-installed (or maybe it is in the Windows distribution) when I first plugged the interface/Arduino into the USB port.

I later bought some Banggood Nano V3 clones that have a non-FTDI USB interface chip right on the board. To make these work, I had to install a new CH341SER driver from here:

Now when I plug in the Pro Mini along with the FTDI Basic Breakout, downloading new programs and using the Serial Monitor is unreliable, presumably because I get the CH341SER driver instead of the FTDI one.

Is there an easy way to ping-pong back and forth between two different projects, as I am using some of the older ProMini as well as the Nano clones. I guess I could reinstall the FTDI driver, if I knew where it was (or where to get it)?

Am I missing something real simple, like just selecting a different "board"?
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