Tinybootloader GOTO problem

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New Member
i having a problem with tinybootloader, it show me this:

Connected to \\.\COM1 at 19200
HEX: 3 min old, INHX8M,16Fcode+cfg, total=384 bytes.
Searching for PIC ...
Found:16F 876A/877A
WARNING: GOTO not found in first 4 words!
If using a compiler, maybe you should write some directive to enable the use of bootloaders, or maybe you could fix it by adding an interrupt handler to your program.
Overwriting bootloader denied

I am using MPLAB to write c code how do i write some directive to enable the use of bootloaders? below is my program code. Hope anyone can help me.

#include <pic.h> 

//	Configuration
__CONFIG ( 0x3FF2 );				//configuration for the  microcontroller

//	Define
#define	Led Display		PORTB			//D0~D7
#define Keypad			PORTC			//K0-K6

//	Function prototype				(every function must have a function prototype)
void delay(unsigned long data);			
unsigned char colScan(unsigned int);	
//	main function						(main fucntion of the program)
unsigned int val=0xFF;					// Initialization

void main(void)

//set I/O input output
TRISA = 0b00000000;						//configure PORTA I/O direction
TRISB = 0b00000000;						//configure PORTB I/O direction
TRISC = 0b11111111;						//configure PORTC I/O direction
//program start
{							//Infinity Loop
	// Scan row 0
  		  	PORTC=0xFE; 		// make row 0 low
   		val = colScan(0);				// Scan column
			// Scan row 1
  			if(val == 0xFF)				// if no key press scan row 1
	      	PORTC=0xFD; 		// make row 1 low
       		val = colScan(1);				// Scan column

      // Scan row 2
  			if(val == 0xFF)				// if no key press scan row 2
  			   PORTC=0xFB; 		//	make row 2 low
  				val = colScan(2);				// Scan column
      // Scan row 3
  			if(val == 0xFF)				// if no key press scan row 3
 			   PORTC=0xF7;		// make row 3 low
		   	val = colScan(3);				// Scan column
			// if got keypress display to output
			if(val != 0xFF)
				delay(2000);					// Switch debounce
				val|=0x80;						// Enable 7-segment
				PORTB=val;			// Output to 7 segment

//	Functions

void delay(unsigned long data)			//delay function, the delay time
{										//depend on the given value
	for( ;data>0;data-=1);

*      Column scan
*		- Argument: The row number (0 to 3 only)
*		- Return: key value pressed. (0xFF for no key pressed)
unsigned char colScan(unsigned int row)
	unsigned char input, output, colCheck;
	output = 0xFF;					// Set no key press value

	row = 1 + row * 3;			// Calculate the value
	input = PORTC;		// Get input from keypad
	colCheck = input & 0x10;	// Scan column 0
	if(colCheck == 0x00)			// Check if got key pressed
		output = row;				// Set value
	colCheck = input & 0x20;	// Scan column 1
	if(colCheck == 0x00)			// Check if got key pressed
		output = row + 1;			// Set value
	colCheck = input & 0x40;	// Scan column 2

	if(colCheck == 0x00)			// Check if got key pressed
		output = row + 2;			// Set value
	return output;					// Return value
Try adding this

void interrupt Do_goto(void)

That should make a a goto at the start
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