Time To Free My Computer of Excess Baggage

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Well-Known Member
Time to free up some space on my computer, and recognize that all of my efforts to help a certain user here and on other forums have been for naught. Over a hundred MBytes of sketches, drawings, code snipets in 136 files created specifically in response to this user's posts, starting over 10 years ago. This is to say nothing about the many articles on Digital-DIY created on this user's behalf in the hopes that even if he didn't learn anything, others might have benefited.

Time to press [shift] [delete] on this wasted effort.

My father has a saying: no good and sincere effort goes fully to waste.

Even if the intended recipient of all these efforts wasted them, I am sure that more than one reader has appreciated your posts.
I certainly have.
Interestingly named folders...

At least now you 136MB available to create new diagrams for said user to ignore.
Nope. I have finally learned my lesson.

Yes, many of the names were done recognizing the futility of it all, often after having already explained the concept several times previously.
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