Thoughts on Use of KS0108 Graphic LCD

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I’m writing PIC assembler to drive a 64 x128 pixel standard graphic display driven by KS0107 and KS0108 drivers. I’ve encountered a few points that might help others:

I’m running 12 control/data lines to the LCD; D0-D7, CS1, CS2, Enable and D/I. I have achieved proper functioning without the use of the R/W or Reset pins on the LCD. The R/W pin is grounded to keep it in write mode. The Reset pin is held high at Vdd.

I’ve found no need to use the Reset pin. Power off/on performs the function.

My screen works without resorting to use of the “Busy” flag. This flag is data7, which can be read to see if the LCD is in process and unable to accept instructions or data. Use of this flag require a functioning R/W pin and changing the PIC D7 pin between output and input.

I’m using a 16F690, running at 4mhz or one million instructions per second.

My LCD starts with all pixels dark. I start by selecting both controllers and turning the display on. My next step is a routine that clears all the display bits to turn the screen light. I can then start writing pixels, as desired.

This LCD has no on board font drivers. So leave plenty of room if you use fonts. My application requires a table of 500 bytes to produce numbers in a 12x16 pixel size and numbers and selected letters in 5x7 pixel size.
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