New Member
I am building a temperature/humidity/light controller for a terrarium and then another one for a incubator/hatchery/brooder for quail. hopfuly they can be the same basic design. the more precise this is the more things it can be used for. withing moderately insane limits.
please note: my choice of parts is due to the fact that I was ordering from jameco anyway.
at the moment I have an LM56 dual output low power thermostat from national semiconductor, an HS1101 humidity sensor from Humirel and a 16F84A PIC.
I don't know what I will do for a heater. I do have a small thermoelectric plate from one of those heater/cooler things you are supposed to put in your car. it is not very powerful though. I was thinking maybe a fish tank heater in a tube of water would provide a stable temperature. I would not have to worry to much about the built in thermostat as my device will have tighter tolerances. for humidity I have an ultrasonic vaporizer from one of those fog fountains.
I think one of those IR emitter/sensor kit things from radio shack and a short piece of black shrink tube (or a piece of a drinking straw colored black) will work for an optical relay. I will use the out1 pin on the LM56 so I think programing the PIC to turn on an LED when the input goes high will be easy enough. the light level sensor should be no problem. just a photo resistor, a diode a variable resistor and a transistor. the temperature, light and humidity will all be set with variable resistors.
I am still trying to figure out how to use the hs1101. it says it can output frequency or voltage. But I have never used a PIC to measure frequency before and I don't get how you make this thing put out a voltage. it looks like it is a variable capacitor.
I would appreciate any help with the HS1101 and any ideas or opinions.
please note: my choice of parts is due to the fact that I was ordering from jameco anyway.
at the moment I have an LM56 dual output low power thermostat from national semiconductor, an HS1101 humidity sensor from Humirel and a 16F84A PIC.
I don't know what I will do for a heater. I do have a small thermoelectric plate from one of those heater/cooler things you are supposed to put in your car. it is not very powerful though. I was thinking maybe a fish tank heater in a tube of water would provide a stable temperature. I would not have to worry to much about the built in thermostat as my device will have tighter tolerances. for humidity I have an ultrasonic vaporizer from one of those fog fountains.
I think one of those IR emitter/sensor kit things from radio shack and a short piece of black shrink tube (or a piece of a drinking straw colored black) will work for an optical relay. I will use the out1 pin on the LM56 so I think programing the PIC to turn on an LED when the input goes high will be easy enough. the light level sensor should be no problem. just a photo resistor, a diode a variable resistor and a transistor. the temperature, light and humidity will all be set with variable resistors.
I am still trying to figure out how to use the hs1101. it says it can output frequency or voltage. But I have never used a PIC to measure frequency before and I don't get how you make this thing put out a voltage. it looks like it is a variable capacitor.
I would appreciate any help with the HS1101 and any ideas or opinions.