Surveillance hook-up video/coaxial

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New Member
Okay let me try to explain my setup. I have a 8 channel DVR that I currently have 2 cameras hooked up to. The DVR has a video out that displays whatever cameras you have selected. This works great for running the video out to a aux input on a TV ect... Hoever what I would like to do is this :

Convert the video signal to coaxial and run it in with the cable lines in my house. So when you turn the tv to say channel 3 it displays the cameras.

I have it already setup like this using a RF modulator, when it is connected the cameras show on all tvs that are set to channel 3. However my problem is that when the rf modulator detects a signal it intefers with all other channels.

So Cable works, then plug in the video inout from the DVR and everything goes static but channel 3 with displays the cameras.

Is there a way to keep the cable working and still display the cameras on channel 24/7????

I hope this was clear enough, if not let me know what needs explained.

Use a video modulator module from an old VCR. It can bypassed all channel signals AND mixed to RF out a video signal (most of case in Europe this channel the UHF24, or tuneable from 22 to 32)
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