Suitable PalmPilot type device

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New Member
Hi guys

I have a project whereby I need to display four data traces graphically on a portable hand held device such as a PalmPilot in realtime. The data for each trace will be a single byte a single byte every two seconds coming over an RS232\USB connection.

What I need to do is identify a suitable PDA type device and suitabe software that will give me a scrolling 4 trace display. I guess there is a good chance I'm going to have to write my own software to do this or some how cobble together some opensource code. I'm a competent VB programmer and can probably get up to speed on Java if thats whats needed.

Any ideas where to start?


If you don't have a compiler, I used to use iziBASIC. I still own it but have not owned a Palm in years.
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