Suggest book for atmel atmega

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New Member
i want to work on avrs.Help me and suggest book for atmega(atmega16 and atmega32) beginners with code and basic like mazidi and mazidi for 8051, but i need it for atmega !!!
Go to the Atmel website, get the datasheets, pretty thorough. **broken link removed** has a lot of AVR stuff, tutorial, projects, forum... This is mostly a PIC crowd, but there are a few of use AVR people tolerated here as well.
actually i want to purchase a book for atmega programming !!

Both sites have lists/links for print literature, if you take the time to look. Personally, I have my own projects to attend to, and not really interested in researching books for you. Never mentioned if you want to program in Assembly, 'C', or just how to burn the chips. Haven't been interested in buying books in years, can get more specific info from datasheets and apnotes, which are free from the manufacturer. Can't really suggest a specific title, but will again suggest Atmel Corporation - Industry Leader in the Design and Manufacture of Advanced Semiconductors and **broken link removed**, also try a search engine, like Google. A little work, and you should find exactly what you want, unless getting people to set aside their own projects, just to try and guess what you are looking for specifically.
thanks for the reply

blueroomelectronics, sorry if i have something wrong for using exclamation mark.

i found a book ---
Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller by Dhananjay Gadre

this book is very old (2000 or 2002). the author used a at90s series avr. i want to know that is it same for atmega.

it is very difficult for me to always online due to limited internet connection.
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You will find much more useful information searching the web than you will find from any book. If you have limited internet connection then search for caching software which will allow you to download websites and view them offline. You could download a huge amount of reading material in a very short period of time and peruse it when you don't have access to the internet, assuming you still have access to a computer. The books out there for AVRs, are not going to give you even a fraction of the information you can find online. And downloading every PDF you can find on Atmels site will keep you reading for weeks. If you don't have access to a computer all the time find some way to print the PDFs so that you can read them offline.
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