Stuck for a project ? :)

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The Mad Professor

New Member
Does the the idea of building a computer from scratch appeal to you?
Sounds imposibble, but turn back the clock a few years and
things were a lot less complex way back then.

Grant Stockly has re-created the "Altair 8800" ,the original MITS Altair 8800 was designed more than 30 years ago, and apart from starting what became the home computing revolution also provided the first real "IT" job - coding a Basic interpreter - for a small Seattle-based company called Micro-Soft.
Lurk around the web long enough and one may even come across video
of a young lad named Bill Gates making the Altair play music...

Anyhow , project or not it is still worth a visit.
All the documentaion is free, including circuit diagrams.

(also appears on a well known trading site , last bidding for the Altair replica kit reached $1,725)
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