Soccer Five - Electronic Director

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New Member
Hi all,
I want to share this old project that I did when I needed to replace the same discret circuit that was designed by a friend.

I used to play Soccer Five with some friends, the rules are that each team is composed by five players, the match takes one hour, we play in a tennis court, we change the goalkeeper every 6 minutes so that we all can get fun...

The Electronic Director
The device whistles every 6 minutes, so that we change the goalkeepers.

The Circuit
This circuit design is trivial, I won't comment it.
It requires only 4 resistors, 3 caps, a LED, a NPN, a 4MHz quartz and a PIC16F84.

; soccerfive.asm -- a tool to play minisoccer
; ----- Reason for the project: minisoccer games last one hour,
;    every 6 minutes a break allows to replace the goalkeeper.
;    The minisoccer tool plays the kickoff as a long sound, 
;    then it playes two short sounds every 6 minutes and finally
;    it plays two short sounds and a long sound when the hour is off.

; baseed on example source code for picasm by Timo Rossi

;                                                                 +---O BUZZER O----o VDD 5 Volt
;  VDD 5 Volt     470 ohm                        1Kohm          | |
;    o------|>|--/\/\/\/\-----------------+  +-/\/\/\/\------+--|/  2N2222
;           LED          ________________ |  |      1Kohm    |  |\
;                       -| RA2      RA1 |-+  | gnd-/\/\/\/\--+    V
;                       -| RA3      RA0 |----+                    gnd
;   VDD 5 Volt          -| RA4          |---------------------+                              
;    o--/\/\/\/\--+------|              |--------------+-|<>|-+  4 MHz cristal               
;        1Kohm    |  gnd-|              |-o VDD 5 Volt |      |       
;                 |     -| RB0      Rb7 |-             |      |        
;                ---    -| RB1      RB6 |-            ---    ---             
;          10uF  ---    -| RB2      RB5 |-      22 pF ---    --- 22pF            
;                 |     -| RB3      RB4 |-             |      |           
;                gnd     ----------------             gnd    gnd             

; define PIC device type
    device    pic16f84

; define config fuses
;     *** Note that PWRT has inverted meaning in case of PIC16F84:
;        PWRT=on means NO PWRT

    config    CP=off,WDT=off,PWRT=on,OSC=xt

; include PIC register definitions, and some macros
    include "picreg.h"
    include "picmac.h"

; bit definitions for two outputs connected to port A bits 0 and 1
; a beeper is connected as bit 0 (pin 17) and a LED as bit 1 (pin 18)
; bit masks can be computed from bit numbers with the left shift operator.
; The LED     has the following way: 0 = LED  OFF, 1 = LED  ON
; The BEEPER     has the following way: 0 = BEEP OFF, 1 = BEEP ON
A_BEEPER    equ    0    ; bit 0
A_LED        equ    1    ; bit 1

; Definitions for program constants
MINUTES        equ    6
TURNS        equ    10
IN_LOOPS    equ    183    ; timer for 60 secs.

; define some register file variables

    org    0x0c    ; This is the RAM base

delay_cnt1    ds    1
delay_cnt2    ds    1
delay_cnt3    ds    1
minutes_cnt    ds    1
turns_cnt    ds    1

; code start
    org    0

    movlw    0xff
    movwf    PORTA    ;initialize port A so that LEDs are off

    bsf    STATUS,RP0            ;register page 1
    movlw    ~((1<<A_BEEPER)|(1<<A_LED))    ;LED and BEEPER as outputs,
    movwf    TRISA                ;other PORTA pins as inputs
    bcf    STATUS,RP0            ;register page 0

    movlw    ((1<<A_BEEPER)|(1<<A_LED))    ; reset, three flashes of the LED and a long beep
    movwf    PORTA        ; send outputs to the port

    clrw            ; maximum delay (256 counts)
    call delay

    movlw    (1<<A_BEEPER)    ; LED OFF, BEEP ON
    movwf    PORTA

    call delay

    movlw    ((1<<A_BEEPER)|(1<<A_LED))    ; LED ON, BEEP ON
    movwf    PORTA

    call delay

    movlw    (1<<A_BEEPER)    ; LED OFF, BEEP ON
    movwf    PORTA

    call delay

    movlw    ((1<<A_BEEPER)|(1<<A_LED))    ; LED ON, BEEP ON
    movwf    PORTA

    call delay

;    clrw            ; LED OFF, BEEP OFF
    movwf    PORTA

; main loop runs 10 times
    movlw    TURNS
    movwf    turns_cnt

    movlw    MINUTES        ; 6 minutes
    movwf    minutes_cnt

    movlw    IN_LOOPS    ; loops for 60 secs.
    movwf    delay_cnt3    

;    clrw
    call delay

    decfsz    delay_cnt3,F    ; decrease loop counter, has one minute expired?
    goto    cnt3_loop    ; no, wait again

; One minute is expired, let's check if it's time to replace the goalkeeper
    decfsz    minutes_cnt,F    ; decrease minute counter, is time elapsed?
    goto    min_loop    ; no, wait another minute

    movlw    ((1<<A_BEEPER)|(1<<A_LED))    ; two flashes of the LED and a two beeps
    movwf    PORTA        ; send outputs to the port

    clrw            ; maximum delay (256 counts)
    call delay

;    clrw            ; LED OFF, BEEP OFF
    movwf    PORTA

;    clrw
    call delay

    movlw    ((1<<A_BEEPER)|(1<<A_LED))    ; LED ON, BEEP ON
    movwf    PORTA

    call delay

;    clrw            ; LED OFF, BEEP OFF
    movwf    PORTA

;    clrw
    call delay

; Minutes are expired, it's time to check about turns
    decfsz    turns_cnt,F    ; decrease turn counter, is turns=0?
    goto    main_loop

    movlw    ((1<<A_BEEPER)|(1<<A_LED))    ; LED ON, BEEP ON
    movwf    PORTA

    call delay

;    clrw
    call delay

;    clrw
    call delay

;    clrw            ; LED OFF, BEEP OFF
    movwf    PORTA
stop    goto    stop

; delay subroutine
; input: delay count in W
; inner loop duration approx:
; 5*256+3 = 1283 cycles ->
; 1.28ms with 4MHz crystal (1MHz instruction time)
delay    movwf    delay_cnt1
    clrf    delay_cnt2
delay_a    nop
    incfsz    delay_cnt2,F
    goto    delay_a
    decfsz    delay_cnt1,F
    goto    delay_a


hex file, to be loaded with a PIC programmer
Be better with the source code!

; Generated by WinPicProg 1.95e, (c) Nigel Goodwin Apr 2005.

            LIST      P=16F84, F=INHX8M
            include ""
            __CONFIG 0x3FF9

; Variable definitions

            ORG     0x0000

            MOVLW   0xFF
            MOVWF   PORTA
            BSF     STATUS    , RP0
            MOVLW   0xFC
            MOVWF   TRISA
            BCF     STATUS    , RP0
            MOVLW   0x03
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVLW   0x01
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVLW   0x03
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVLW   0x01
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVLW   0x03
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVWF   PORTA
            MOVLW   0x0A
            MOVWF   0x10
Label_0004  MOVLW   0x06
            MOVWF   0x0F
Label_0003  MOVLW   0xB7
            MOVWF   0x0E
Label_0002  CALL    Label_0001
            DECFSZ  0x0E      , f
            GOTO    Label_0002
            DECFSZ  0x0F      , f
            GOTO    Label_0003
            MOVLW   0x03
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVLW   0x03
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            DECFSZ  0x10      , f
            GOTO    Label_0004
            MOVLW   0x03
            MOVWF   PORTA
            CALL    Label_0001
            CALL    Label_0001
            CALL    Label_0001
            MOVWF   PORTA
Label_0005  GOTO    Label_0005
Label_0001  MOVWF   0x0C
            CLRF    0x0D
Label_0006  NOP
            INCFSZ  0x0D      , f
            GOTO    Label_0006
            DECFSZ  0x0C      , f
            GOTO    Label_0006

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