sms interactive system

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New Member
hie guys
i have recently submitted a project proposal to my lecturer as part of my studies in electronics, but im not wel versed on the ideal components to use so that i come up with a working project,here is a brief description of the proposed project,
someone has to access some stored information from a database via sms remotely,i intend to use a nokia 3310 for collecting my data from the PC and communicate with the other phone.
i also intend to use a microcontroller to facillitate the communication between the PC nd gsm phone.wld want to use VB nd assembly language .
may you pliz help to determine which pic is the most appropriate,and how would i best interface the three to come up with a working project.
It depends on how you plan to get the data from the computer, USB or RS-232. Being that the PIC will be a simple protocol adapter between the Nokia phone as an SMS gateway and the computer based database, almost any PIC or uC will do the trick. If you're using RS-232 from your PC and the F/M Bus of the Nokia 3310 a $1 8 pin PIC is enough.
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