Simple way to bypass OSCON check

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I am using a 12F683 at 8 MHz and find that checking stability of the internal RC oscillator is necessary.

btfss      OSCCON,2       ;check oscillator stable                         
goto       $-1            ;                                                 
<next step>

I am using MPLab 8.89 and MPLab Sim to debug.

When running in debug, the program hangs on those two steps. So, I comment them out. Then in the release version, I have to uncomment them. Unfortunately, I sometimes forget to do that.

Is there an easier way?

There is the _DEBUG macro.. in Hi-tech.... I don't know if its used with assembler
Just use a delay? It does not take long to stabilise, so you can add a hard-coded delay in the start of your code. If you do not already have one it is also a good practice having a delay to allow PSU voltages etc to stabilise after turn on.
I also just use a delay.... As Roman said, it only takes a couple of clock cycles to stabilize..
I could change the code. But of course, that is what I am currently doing.

Register injection at a specific program counter sounded like the right term for what I wanted to do with the stimulus worksheet You can access OSCCON in the dialog. It would be so easy if all you had to do was indicate which bit to flip at that location, like: bsf OSCCON, 2. I'll give it a fresh look today.

After no small amount of testing and searching, I came across this:

It may not be a valid assumption, but if Mike K8LH doesn't use a stimulus for that step, then I am assuming that OSCCON,2 (HTS) cannot be set by the user.

In fact, this little change compiles, but still doesn't skip:
	movlw      b'01100100'
        movwf      OSCCON
	btfss	   OSCCON,2     
	goto       $-1

It may not be a valid assumption, but if Mike K8LH doesn't use a stimulus for that step, then I am assuming that OSCCON,2 (HTS) cannot be set by the user.

I never looked into it, Jon. I just took the easiest work-around. Sorry!
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