simple antenna design..

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New Member
pls.. pls.. help me in my project. :?
what we must do is to design a simple antenna (yagi-uda) with corresponding computation. pls help. i don't have any knowledge on this. it was given to us for us to find out what and how. weird ryt! don't know to my prof. i guess he just wants us to build a simple antenna on our own research and own ideas. so pls help. any help will be appreciated. tnx!
Try doing a google search!, you'll find loads of information about yagi's, including programs to calculate them, on the Internet.
To help narrow your search you might look to amateur radio organizations such as Radio Society of Great Britain (RGSB) or American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

Note that many aspects of a yagi can be controlled or affected by design and construction. Many of the "designs" shown are the result of simplifications or assumptions so that the user simply inputs the frequency to get the length of the elements. Your professor may expect you to understand that you can control things like gain, front to back ratio, bandwidth, feedpoint impedance and things like that. All of that is quite involved however there is a lot of good information on the subject in the amateur community.
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