Show us your crazy projects

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I saw some movie once of a "fully auto" bb gun. It was basically a brass tube connected to an airsource with a valve in the middle. Then there was a tee in the middle connected to the hopper. You would just open the valve letting in a constant flow of air and gravity would load another BB into the barrel.

It worked really good too. and had a high rate of fire since there wasnt a bolt that had to cycle for every shot.
It certainly would, I remember making a pea shooter like that, fired the whole 20 peas in under a second, came out like a line in the air :lol:

You have to be very careful using BB or paintball guns with freinds, especially that modified one you say about :shock:
Yea I remember when I was a kid my mates dad was an industrial chemist who was into the black powder scene and my dad was an engineer who taught me to use a lathe at 6 years old. So me and my mate between us made up a cannon to fire 1/4" ball bearings. So when we set it off the ball went about 200 yards and smashed a car window in the tennis carpark. I went all quiet when the evening news came on saying there was a madman around shooting cars :shock: . But they were the good old days.

Cheers Bryan
I've always wanted to build a black powder cannon that would shoot golf balls.

I think my uncle was telling me about this guy he knew that did this. IIRC he said the guy was able to put the golf balls through a an old car hood from 100yds. but I kinda find that hard to believe...

I wish I had more time to build all of these projects.
When I was a kid, all my rockets blew-up.
All my bombs went up like missles.

That way of learning about chemistry is very dangerous for a kid.
When I was but a wee lad, I did the stupidest experiments, not dangerous or anything, just laughable.

Example: My cousins came over and we put baking soda and vinegar in a little film capsule, shook it up, and threw it as far as we could, expecting a massive explosion. When that massive explosion never came, we spent 10 minutes deciding who was going to go get it, fearing that whoever did would have their head blown off :lol:

Another stupid thing I did: I'd take those 1/4" ball bearings for slingshots and shoot 'em up in the sky during a lightning storm, expecting the lightning to strike it :lol:
Yes, i've tried this too. Admittably, the baking soda was a little past it sell by, but the big explosion was actually just like someone opening the lid. After a few seconds, the lid sort of slid off and the liquid seeped out, very dissapointing :lol:
I wonder how well baking soda would bubble if you mixed it with the acid from a car battery. Ka-boom!
audioguru said:
I wonder how well baking soda would bubble if you mixed it with the acid from a car battery. Ka-boom!

shoot, and i just got a new battery for my truck, couldve used the old one :evil:
Roboticinfo said:
Shoot I never had a crazy project all project were just geeky but not crazy.

Well, if i were you i'd start with a potato gun :twisted:

I fired it off once in the garage (with only a sock stuffed down it) and it shook the entire house :lol: I forgot how much fun that thing is, maybe I'll take it out for a spin again.

My mom works in a pharmacy and she was able to bring dry ice home acouple of times. put a piece of that in a container with a little water and seal it and it'll give you a nice *pop*
Whenever she brought it home my friends and I would scrounge all of the plastic containers we could get our hands on...Those were the days.

I'm rather surprised that there are hardly any crazy projects posted here.
I'm rather surprised that there are hardly any crazy projects posted here.

You just wait 'till 10 years down the road, I'll have some pretty crazy projects :twisted:

Wow, 10 years down the road . . . wonder if this forum will still be around. It better!
Here's a cannon bot that my microcontrollers class built last year. Its chasis is an old bomb disposal robot donated by the police department. Its radio controlled and is able to shoot rolled up t-shirts and even sub sandwhiches. We have an auto loader to shoot small rubber basketballs at the ball games but so far we have been unable to find a ball with the correct diameter that wont allow too much air to flow around it.
It has enough pressure to shoot a t-shirt to the upper decks. It recently got a new paintjob or gold/maroon and some cold cathode lighting effects. Our instructor failed to decure the cold cathode wiring. The drive shaft for one of the wheels caught the wire and ripped the entire light fixture off the bot.
SOmeone has to manually load the t-shirts and use the big stick to push them to the bottom of the barrel. Any ideas on automating this process?

**broken link removed**
Thats nothing compared to what my friend built with his friends. He built a canon the could shoot a beer 2 stories high and you can catch it perfectly.
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