Shifting(74LS164) is not working!!

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New Member
HI there,

I am currently working on LED dot matrix display by using 16F877A and 74LS164 shift register to shift the data that out from 877A..I face a few problem while doing the shifting..

1) LED Dot Matrix only keep showing the first data that i sent in but the following data doesn't not show up on the display.
2)First data that i sent in , light on all the time and there's no shifting that can be seen on the matrix display.

#include ""
__CONFIG 0x399A

	cblock 0x20

shift_count	equ	.5

		ORG	0x00	   
		BSF	STATUS,5   ; set bit 5 of STATUS to change to bank 1
		MOVLW	0x00	   ; clear TRISB to change PORTB as output 
		MOVLW	0x00	   ; clear TRISD to change PORTC as output 
		clrf	PORTD
		clrf	PORTC
		BCF	PORTC,2   ; set shift register clear pin 
		BSF	PORTC,2	   ; clear shift register clear pin 
		MOVLW  0A8h
		MOVWF  11h

		MOVLW  80h
		MOVWF  12h
		MOVLW  23h
		MOVWF  13h
		MOVLW  55h
		MOVWF  14h
		MOVLW  00h
		MOVWF  15h


Shift1:	BSF		PORTC,1      ;74LS164 data pin set to high
		MOVF 	11h,0		 ;first data 0A8h come in
		MOVWF	PORTD	     ; move data to output PORTD
		CALL	CLK	         ; call clock to move the data to collumns
		BCF		PORTC,1		 ;74LS164 data pin set to low
		CLRF	PORTD		 ;clear the first data (0A8h)
		CALL	Delay		 ;call delay
		DECFSZ	shift_count,1 ; Shift for 5 times and jump to second data  
		GOTO	Shift1        ;if not continue count
		GOTO	Shift2

Shift2:	MOVF	12h,0         ;second data 80h
		MOVWF	PORTD         ;move data to output PORTD 
		CALL	Delay
		DECFSZ	shift_count,1
		GOTO	Shift2
		GOTO	Shift3
Shift3:	MOVF 	13h,0
		CALL	Delay
		DECFSZ	shift_count,1
		GOTO	Shift3
		GOTO	Shift4
Shift4:	MOVF 	14h,0
		CALL	Delay
		DECFSZ	shift_count,1
		GOTO	Shift4
		GOTO	Shift5

Shift5:	MOVF 	15h,0
		GOTO	Delay
		DECFSZ	shift_count,1
		GOTO	Shift5
		GOTO	Shift1

			;499994 cycles
	movlw	0x03
	movwf	d1
	movlw	0x18
	movwf	d2
	movlw	0x02
	movwf	d3
	decfsz	d1, f
	goto	$+2
	decfsz	d2, f
	goto	$+2
	decfsz	d3, f
	goto	Delay_0

			;2 cycles
	goto	$+1

			;4 cycles (including call)

CLK:	BCF	PORTC,0 ;send in clock pulse 	 
		BSF	PORTC,0 ;at PORTC, pin 0
		call Delay	;Call Delay to make the character viewable.


The above is the code that i put into the micro-controller , i compile with MPLAB and it doesn't show any error occur..
can any1 please give me a way how to correct it , any suggestion is most welcome ??
You don't appear to be shifting your data out of the data pin (C.1).

Try something like,
		movlw	8		;output 8 bits
		movwf	shift_count	;store in counter
Shift1		bsf	PORTC,1		;74LS164 data pin set to high
		btfss	11h,0		;is bit 0 clear
		bcf	PORTC,1		;yes so clear data bit
		call	CLK		; call clock to move the data to collumns
		call	Delay		;call delay
		rrf	11h,f		;move next bit to position 0
		decfsz	shift_count,f	; Shift for 5 times and jump to second data  
		goto	Shift1		;if not continue count
		goto	Shift2


sorry pommie , i am lack of experience .. where should i insert the data to PORTD for the the code that you posted previously.

For eg.

1)In the location register of 11h the data is 0A8h
2)Next i should put the data of 0A8h into PORTD so those 8 bit data can display on the matrix display , so that data will be shifted.
If you want the value displayed on PortD then do,
		movlw	8		;output 8 bits
		movwf	shift_count	;store in counter
		[COLOR="Red"]movfw	11h		;get data
		movwf	PORTD		;Place on PortD[/COLOR]
Shift1		bsf	PORTC,1		;74LS164 data pin set to high
		btfss	11h,0		;is bit 0 clear
		bcf	PORTC,1		;yes so clear data bit
		call	CLK		; call clock to move the data to collumns
		call	Delay		;call delay
		rrf	11h,f		;move next bit to position 0
		decfsz	shift_count,f	; Shift for 5 times and jump to second data  
		goto	Shift1		;if not continue count
		goto	Shift2
However, the data shifted out will only match portD after the 8 shifts and 8 delays have taken place.

Thanks mike i am getting clearer picture now , i have tested out the code that you suggested but yet the display only show up first 8 bits of data...and it didnt show shifting effect too.

more than that , i am curious why did you shift the data at PIN C,1 which is the data pin of 74LS164 .

would it be my delay routine that actually didnt slow down the clock pulse that sending to 74LS164 and result in the display keep in static mode.
I think i should make it clearer , this is how i connect my hardware part.

Note that i didnt connect ULN2803 in my board currently , because i have enuff current to run my 5x5 board.
It would be simpler to use a 4017 and arrange the display as 8x5 so you only need a "run of five."

The coding has already been done in the 5x7 Display on website.
How are you sinking the columns?

You are not shifting 5 times. You are shifting 8 times.
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hi colin,
i did modified it to shift 5 times , any IC can sink current .. the led is working well just they're not shifting..
In the circuit you provided, it needs 8 shifts.

You need to deliver 7 "1's" and one "0'" to get one of the columns to illuminate.
This "0" must be shifted. This must be set-up before outputting the highs from the micro to illuminate the column.
How are you shifting the 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 pattern
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The poster is stating that it successfully shows the first data sent just not ones sent after. Something must be working right the first time around.
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Hi Colin,
Thanks for your advice , i have did those programming at first place i dont think is that problem.

hi Sceadwian,

you are right sir, well i have some pieces of advice that stated it not functioning is because of the shift register(74LS164N) IC itself have a memory inside , therefore after the first data go into it , it will keep looping inside the memory which only contain the first 8 bits data , so it will only display the first data..but i have a looked on the data sheet and i cant find any memory storage inside the IC..
memory storage
It's latch which your chip has none. But are you holding pin 9 high the clear pin your drawing shows clear not hooked up if so it will only load data one time if your not holding clear high which is pin 9 on a p-dip I looked agin you have it going to the pic hook it to vdd and try your code.
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I looked at your code and it's not holding it high a 74ls164 loads data with clear high you do that one time in your code But if it gos low it will not let it load data which is what you have going on here.
hi be80be,

thanks for your quick reply , i will try it out...but when i put my oscilloscope probe on the microcontroller pin which send out the pulses to the clear pin . i only can see continuous high only...
hi be80be,

i got stuck in there also because i have a look on other people coding , they did set it low that data pin after the first data and first clock pulse sent into the shift register. for example gayan coding set it to low after the first data and first clock pulse. sir , have i miss some important theory behind it??

Note: after i gone through the data sheet of 74LS164N if 0 sent into the data pin it will be reset for all the output pin.

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