Serial Communication RS232

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ok can u tell me any appropriate settings that can help recognize the signal efficiently?...i mean should i first continously transmit a single letter or number through pic and check its ascii code and convert that to binary and see if i get the same signal corresponding to the bit pattern?.anything more?

Any data stream should show on the scope.
Try data to the PIC and from the PIC, make sure the signals are on the wires.!!
hey i just got it working!....i dont know what happened..i just remove the RX pin and i attached the TX pin(pin 2) of female db9 connector to output pin of max232 (pin 7)and it worked!!no need for connections between RX pin of female db9 connector(pin 1) and input pin f max232(pin 8)!!...can anybody explain this?.(perhapes may i am just transmitting and not recieving anything??).and yes i also connected an electrolytic capacitor between pin 2 and 15(+ve at pin 2 and -ve at pin 15)
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