I'm thinking I'd like to put together a simple seismometer, something to detect road traffic and waves up on the shore.
I dont know if this is practical in the home lab or not.
I have 3 ideas in mind, 1 a loudspeaker with a weight on the cone connected to a filter/amplifier, 2 a pendulum from the lab roof to a weight and a coil to the same amplifier, and 3 I saw something online that uses a Rf oscillator on a center electrode, and 2 antennas each side connected to a diode/cap type Rf detector probe to detect movement of the earth.
Any idea on which is the best, the Rf type claims to have almost no natural frequency of the pendulum rolloff.
The speaker sounds nice & easy.
I dont know if this is practical in the home lab or not.
I have 3 ideas in mind, 1 a loudspeaker with a weight on the cone connected to a filter/amplifier, 2 a pendulum from the lab roof to a weight and a coil to the same amplifier, and 3 I saw something online that uses a Rf oscillator on a center electrode, and 2 antennas each side connected to a diode/cap type Rf detector probe to detect movement of the earth.
Any idea on which is the best, the Rf type claims to have almost no natural frequency of the pendulum rolloff.
The speaker sounds nice & easy.