School Project

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New Member
I know this is a bit advanced ( your forum I mean ) for me to be asking such a lame question, I have the 'invention convention' coming up. and me ( being sort-of stupid) decided i would make the 'heating shovel'
Basically I would have the tip of the shovel heat while you shovel snow so its easyer, I came across the problem that it I cant produce the heat, can anyone suggest some way that i can heat up something, especially if you could show me like something that would heat the metal-tip at the front, or maybe just the front in general getting warmed, its a $25 spending limit, so it kinda sucks, but if you guys can help its greatly apreciated, thanks.
Using 110 VAC to heat the shovel would be dangerous and using a battery would require a large and heavy one. A better solution would be to coat the shovel with teflon or wax to make the snow slide off. Spray-on teflon was available at one time, altho I have not seen it lately.
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