Robot rover (object sorting)

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Active Member
these are some of the photos of my new project on object sorting robot. feel free to comment.

the rover will find misplaced objects lying around and will place them in the predetermined place as programmed.
:image processing: matlab
:avr microcontroller.
:visual studio for control
:avr studio for mcu programming. will post more detail later.
Your workbench(and mine) looks like it could use a device like that.
Now that I think about it, my whole house could.
Is the work bench before or after?

I'd like to see a before and after picture. Best of luck.

Don't all workbenches look like that?

Cool robot!

I worry a bit about your shoulder and elbow servos having enough torque to lift all the arm weight, and saw you added a counterweight to the shoulder already. How is stability in the arm movement? They can get unstable and "bouncy" when there is a lot of weight far from the servo axis.
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