Receive string '?f' and clear the LCD in PIC16F628

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Something like this

	call check_clear


	movf	SER_IN,w
	andlw	'?'
	btfsc	STATUS,Z
	goto	NONE
	call	Rcv_RS232
	movf	SER_IN,w
	andlw	'f'
	btfsc	STATUS,Z
	goto	NONE
	movlw	1
	call	LCD_Cmd
NONE	retlw	0

Cheers Ian
Hey Ian, thank you so much! Also, how would you do this for '?g' if I want it to make a beep sound? My speaker is assigned to pin 6.

**broken link removed**
Hey Ian, thank you so much! Also, how would you do this for '?g' if I want it to make a beep sound? My speaker is assigned to pin 6.
You would duplicate the code posted, edit in the 'g' and have it call BEEP_Cmd , build BEEP_Cmd to make the beep.
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Is it a speaker or a piezo buzzer? if its a buzzer turn RB0 on for 200mS then off ( short beep ) Also you may want to put a transistor on the buzzer. Or if it's a speaker you'll need to emit a 8 - > 15khz pulse to drive the speaker. Set up a counter to toggle the pin for about 200mS.

Cheers Ian
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I updated the code as I wanted to make sure it was ok I also allowed for No LCD write when ? and f are sent
check_clear	movf	Rcv_Byte,w
		sublw	'?'
		btfss	STATUS,Z
		goto	no_buz
		call	Rcv_RS232
		movf	Rcv_Byte,w
		sublw	'f'
		btfss	STATUS,Z
		goto	no_clear
		movlw	1
		call	LCD_Cmd
		retlw	0	
no_clear	movf	Rcv_Byte,w
		sublw	'g'
		btfss	STATUS,Z
		goto	no_buz
		call	buzzer
		call	buzzer
		retlw	0
no_buz		movf	Rcv_Byte,w
		call	LCD_Char	

cheers Ian
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